Tomasz Osuch
Tomasz Osuch
Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska)
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على elka.pw.edu.pl
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Simultaneous measurement of liquid level and temperature using tilted fiber Bragg grating
T Osuch, T Jurek, K Markowski, K Jedrzejewski
IEEE Sensors Journal 15 (05), 1205 - 1209, 2015
Linearly chirped tapered fiber-Bragg-grating-based Fabry–Perot cavity and its application in simultaneous strain and temperature measurement
K Markowski, K Jędrzejewski, M Marzęcki, T Osuch
Optics Letters 42 (7), 1464-1467, 2017
Self-organized, one-dimensional periodic structures in a gold nanoparticle-doped nematic liquid crystal composite
P Lesiak, K Bednarska, W Lewandowski, M Wójcik, S Polakiewicz, ...
ACS nano 13 (9), 10154-10160, 2019
Experimental Investigation of Mid-Infrared Laser Action From Dy3+Doped Fluorozirconate Fiber
L Sójka, L Pajewski, M Popenda, E Beres-Pawlik, S Lamrini, K Markowski, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30 (12), 1083-1086, 2018
Fiber-optic strain sensors based on linearly chirped tapered fiber Bragg gratings with tailored intrinsic chirp
T Osuch, K Markowski, K Jędrzejewski
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (20), 7508-7514, 2016
Coupling independent fiber optic tilt and temperature sensor based on chirped tapered fiber Bragg grating in double-pass configuration
T Osuch, K Markowski, A Manujło, K Jędrzejewski
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 252, 76-81, 2016
Tapered and linearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings with co-directional and counter-directional resultant chirps
T Osuch
Optics Communications 366, 194-199, 2016
Development of fiber bragg gratings technology and their complex structures for sensing, telecommunications and microwave photonics applications
T Osuch, P Gąsior, K Markowski, K Jędrzejewski
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences 62 (4), 627-633, 2014
Numerical analysis of apodized fiber Bragg gratings formation using phase mask with variable diffraction efficiency
T Osuch, Z Jaroszewicz
Optics communications 284 (2), 567-572, 2011
Numerical model of tapered fiber Bragg gratings for comprehensive analysis and optimization of their sensing and strain-induced tunable dispersion properties
T Osuch, K Markowski, K Jędrzejewski
Applied Optics 54 (17), 5525-5533, 2015
System for modification of exposure time in fiber Bragg gratings fabrication with using scanning phase mask method
T Osuch, P Gasior, L Lewandowski
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High …, 2005
In-Plane strain measurement in composite structures with fiber Bragg grating written in side-hole elliptical core optical fiber
K Wachtarczyk, P Gąsior, J Kaleta, A Anuszkiewicz, M Bender, ...
Materials 15 (1), 77, 2021
Temperature fiber Bragg grating based sensor for respiration monitoring
A Manujło, T Osuch
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High …, 2017
Temperature independent tapered fiber Bragg grating based inclinometer
T Osuch, K Markowski, K Jedrzejewski
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 27 (21), 2312-2315, 2015
Shaping the spectral characteristics of fiber Bragg gratings written in optical fiber taper using phase mask method
T Osuch, K Jędrzejewski, L Lewandowski, W Jasiewicz
Photonics Letters of Poland 4 (4), 128-130, 2012
Numerical analysis of double chirp effect in tapered and linearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings
K Markowski, K Jedrzejewski, T Osuch
Applied Optics 55 (17), 4505-4513, 2016
Modeling of fiber Bragg gratings written in tapered optical fibers
K Markowski, T Osuch
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High …, 2013
Modeling of amplification and light generation in one-dimensional photonic crystal using a multiwavelength transfer matrix approach
P Szczepański, T Osuch, Z Jaroszewicz
Applied optics 48 (28), 5401-5406, 2009
Fabrication of phase masks with variable diffraction efficiency using HEBS glass technology
T Osuch, A Kowalik, Z Jaroszewicz, M Sarzyński
Applied Optics 50 (31), 5977-5982, 2011
Hollow-core optical fibers for telecommunications and data transmission
K Borzycki, T Osuch
Applied Sciences 13 (19), 10699, 2023
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مقالات 1–20