Frank Burchert
Frank Burchert
University of Potsdam, Excellence Center of Cognitive Sciences
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Tense and agreement dissociations in German agrammatic speakers: Underspecification vs. hierarchy
F Burchert, M Swoboda-Moll, R De Bleser
Brain and language 94 (2), 188-199, 2005
Does morphology make the difference? Agrammatic sentence comprehension in German
F Burchert, R De Bleser, K Sonntag
Brain and Language 87 (2), 323-342, 2003
Chance in agrammatic sentence comprehension: What does it really mean? Evidence from eye movements of German agrammatic aphasic patients
S Hanne, IA Sekerina, S Vasishth, F Burchert, R De Bleser
Aphasiology 25 (2), 221-244, 2011
Computational models of retrieval processes in sentence processing
S Vasishth, B Nicenboim, F Engelmann, F Burchert
Trends in cognitive sciences 23 (11), 968-982, 2019
Sentence comprehension and morphological cues in aphasia: What eye-tracking reveals about integration and prediction
S Hanne, F Burchert, R De Bleser, S Vasishth
Journal of Neurolinguistics 34, 83-111, 2015
Production of non-canonical sentences in agrammatic aphasia: Limits in representation or rule application?
F Burchert, N Meißner, R De Bleser
Brain and language 104 (2), 170-179, 2008
Neural correlates of syntactic transformations
I Wartenburger, HR Heekeren, F Burchert, S Heinemann, R De Bleser, ...
Human brain mapping 22 (1), 72-81, 2004
A computational investigation of sources of variability in sentence comprehension difficulty in aphasia
P Mätzig, S Vasishth, F Engelmann, D Caplan, F Burchert
Topics in cognitive science 10 (1), 161-174, 2018
A computational evaluation of sentence processing deficits in aphasia
U Patil, S Hanne, F Burchert, R De Bleser, S Vasishth
Cognitive Science 40 (1), 5-50, 2016
Unambiguous generalization effects after treatment of non-canonical sentence production in German agrammatism
N Stadie, A Schröder, J Postler, A Lorenz, M Swoboda-Moll, F Burchert, ...
Brain and Language 104 (3), 211-229, 2008
The left periphery in agrammatic clausal representations: evidence from German
F Burchert, M Swoboda-Moll, R De Bleser
Journal of Neurolinguistics 18 (1), 67-88, 2005
Passives in agrammatic sentence comprehension: A German study
F Burchert, R De Bleser
Aphasiology 18 (1), 29-45, 2004
A computational evaluation of two models of retrieval processes in sentence processing in aphasia
P Lissón, D Pregla, B Nicenboim, D Paape, ML Van het Nederend, ...
Cognitive Science 45 (4), e12956, 2021
Feature dissimilarities in the processing of German relative clauses in aphasia
A Adelt, N Stadie, R Lassotta, F Adani, F Burchert
Journal of neurolinguistics 44, 17-37, 2017
Compound naming in aphasia: Effects of complexity, part of speech, and semantic transparency
A Lorenz, J Heide, F Burchert
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 29 (1), 88-106, 2014
On the nature of the subject–object asymmetry in wh-question comprehension in aphasia: evidence from eye tracking
S Hanne, F Burchert, S Vasishth
Aphasiology 30 (4), 435-462, 2016
Eye-tracking the effect of word order in sentence comprehension in aphasia: Evidence from Basque, a free word order ergative language
M Arantzeta, R Bastiaanse, F Burchert, M Wieling, M Martinez-Zabaleta, ...
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 32 (10), 1320-1343, 2017
Sentence comprehension disorders in aphasia: The concept of chance performance revisited
F Burchert, S Hanne, S Vasishth
Aphasiology 27 (1), 112-125, 2013
Sätze verstehen: neurolinguistische Materialien für die Untersuchung von syntaktischen Störungen beim Satzverständnis
F Burchert
NAT-Verlag, 2011
Komplexe Sätze. Störungen der Satzproduktion: Materialien für Diagnostik
A Schröder, A Lorenz, F Burchert, N Stadie
Therapie und Evaluation, 2009
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مقالات 1–20