Ceria-based materials for solid oxide fuel cells VV Kharton, FM Figueiredo, L Navarro, EN Naumovich, AV Kovalevsky, ...
Journal of Materials Science 36, 1105-1117, 2001
621 2001 Perovskite-type oxides for high-temperature oxygen separation membranes VV Kharton, AA Yaremchenko, AV Kovalevsky, AP Viskup, EN Naumovich, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 163 (2), 307-317, 1999
414 1999 Research on the electrochemistry of oxygen ion conductors in the former Soviet Union. II. Perovskite-related oxides VV Kharton, AA Yaremchenko, EN Naumovich
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 3, 303-326, 1999
301 1999 Research on the electrochemistry of oxygen ion conductors in the former Soviet Union: III. HfO2 -, CeO2 - and ThO2 -based oxides VV Kharton, AA Yaremchenko, EN Naumovich, FMB Marques
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 4, 243-266, 2000
232 * 2000 Recent advances in layered Ln 2 NiO 4+ δ nickelates: Fundamentals and prospects of their applications in protonic ceramic fuel and electrolysis cells AP Tarutin, JG Lyagaeva, DA Medvedev, L Bi, AA Yaremchenko
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (1), 154-195, 2021
210 2021 Thermal and chemical induced expansion of La0. 3Sr0. 7 (Fe, Ga) O3− δ ceramics VV Kharton, AA Yaremchenko, MV Patrakeev, EN Naumovich, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 23 (9), 1417-1426, 2003
205 2003 Oxygen Permeability of Ce0. 8Gd0. 2 O 2− δ‐La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3− δ Composite Membranes VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, AP Viskup, FM Figueiredo, AA Yaremchenko, ...
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 147 (7), 2814, 2000
184 2000 Chemically induced expansion of La2NiO4+ δ-based materials VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, M Avdeev, EV Tsipis, MV Patrakeev, ...
Chemistry of materials 19 (8), 2027-2033, 2007
172 2007 Surface-limited oxygen transport and electrode properties of La2Ni0. 8Cu0. 2O4+ δ VV Kharton, EV Tsipis, AA Yaremchenko, JR Frade
Solid State Ionics 166 (3-4), 327-337, 2004
157 2004 Transport properties and stability of Ni-containing mixed conductors with perovskite-and K2NiF4-type structure VV Kharton, AA Yaremchenko, AL Shaula, MV Patrakeev, EN Naumovich, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (1), 26-37, 2004
145 2004 Ionic conductivity of La (Sr) Ga (Mg, M) O3− δ (M= Ti, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni): effects of transition metal dopants VV Kharton, AP Viskup, AA Yaremchenko, RT Baker, B Gharbage, ...
Solid State Ionics 132 (1-2), 119-130, 2000
143 2000 Towards a high thermoelectric performance in rare-earth substituted SrTiO 3: effects provided by strongly-reducing sintering conditions AV Kovalevsky, AA Yaremchenko, S Populoh, P Thiel, DP Fagg, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (48), 26946-26954, 2014
133 2014 Perovskite-like system (Sr, La)(Fe, Ga) O3− δ: structure and ionic transport under oxidizing conditions VV Kharton, AL Shaulo, AP Viskup, M Avdeev, AA Yaremchenko, ...
Solid State Ionics 150 (3-4), 229-243, 2002
131 2002 Ionic conductivity of brownmillerite-type calcium ferrite under oxidizing conditions AL Shaula, YV Pivak, JC Waerenborgh, P Gaczyñski, AA Yaremchenko, ...
Solid State Ionics 177 (33-34), 2923-2930, 2006
129 2006 Ceramic microstructure and oxygen permeability of SrCo (Fe, M) O 3− δ (M= Cu or Cr) perovskite membranes VV Kharton, VN Tikhonovich, L Shuangbao, EN Naumovich, ...
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 145 (4), 1363, 1998
128 1998 Oxygen Nonstoichiometry, Mixed Conductivity, and Mössbauer Spectra of Ln0.5 A0.5 FeO3−δ (Ln = La−Sm, A = Sr, Ba): Effects of Cation Size VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, MV Patrakeev, EV Tsipis, AP Viskup, ...
Chemistry of Materials 20 (20), 6457-6467, 2008
127 2008 Spin-state ordering and magnetic structures in the cobaltites ( and 0.44) DD Khalyavin, DN Argyriou, U Amann, AA Yaremchenko, VV Kharton
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (13), 134407, 2007
119 2007 Oxygen ionic and electronic transport in apatite-type solid electrolytes VV Kharton, AL Shaula, MV Patrakeev, JC Waerenborgh, DP Rojas, ...
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 151 (8), A1236, 2004
119 2004 Effect of A-site cation deficiency on the thermoelectric performance of donor-substituted strontium titanate AV Kovalevsky, AA Yaremchenko, S Populoh, A Weidenkaff, JR Frade
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (9), 4596-4606, 2014
115 2014 Oxygen permeability, stability and electrochemical behavior of-based materials AV Kovalevsky, VV Kharton, AA Yaremchenko, YV Pivak, EV Tsipis, ...
Journal of electroceramics 18 (3), 205-218, 2007
114 2007