Elliot Maltz
Elliot Maltz
Professor of Marketing, Willamette University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على willamette.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Market intelligence dissemination across functional boundaries
E Maltz, AK Kohli
Journal of marketing Research 33 (1), 47-61, 1996
Enhancing communication between marketing and engineering: The moderating role of relative functional identification
RJ Fisher, E Maltz, BJ Jaworski
Journal of marketing 61 (3), 54-70, 1997
Purchase occasion influence on the role of music in advertising
MI Alpert, JI Alpert, EN Maltz
Journal of business research 58 (3), 369-376, 2005
Reducing marketing’s conflict with other functions: the differential effects of integrating mechanisms
E Maltz, AK Kohli
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 28, 479-492, 2000
Is all communication created equal?: An investigation into the effects of communication mode on perceived information quality
E Maltz
Journal of Product Innovation Management: An International Publication Of …, 2000
Distributor sharing of strategic information with suppliers
GL Frazier, E Maltz, KD Antia, A Rindfleisch
Journal of marketing 73 (4), 31-43, 2009
Influencing R&D/marketing integration and the use of market information by R&D managers: intended and unintended effects of managerial actions
E Maltz, WE Souder, A Kumar
Journal of Business Research 52 (1), 69-82, 2001
Demand collaboration: effects on knowledge creation, relationships, and supply chain performance
KB Kahn, EN Maltz, JT Mentzer
Journal of Business Logistics 27 (2), 191-221, 2006
Customer service in the distributor channel empirical findings.
A Maltz, E Maltz
Journal of business Logistics 19 (2), 1998
Cultivating shared value initiatives: A three Cs approach
E Maltz, S Schein
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 55-74, 2012
Transformative subsistence entrepreneurship: a study in India
S Sridharan, E Maltz, M Viswanathan, S Gupta
Journal of Macromarketing 34 (4), 486-504, 2014
Assessing and maximizing corporate social initiatives: a strategic view of corporate social responsibility
E Maltz, F Thompson, DJ Ringold
Journal of Public Affairs 11 (4), 344-352, 2011
How procurement managers view low cost countries and geographies: a perceptual mapping approach
JR Carter, A Maltz, T Yan, E Maltz
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 38 (3 …, 2008
Impact of culture on supplier selection decision making
JR Carter, A Maltz, E Maltz, M Goh, T Yan
The International Journal of Logistics Management 21 (3), 353-374, 2010
Expanding the role of institutional research at small private universities: A case study in enrollment management using data mining
CM Antons, EN Maltz
New directions for institutional research 2006 (131), 69-81, 2006
An enhanced framework for improving cooperation between marketing and other functions: the differential role of integrating mechanisms
E Maltz
Journal of Market-Focused Management 2, 83-98, 1997
Decision support for university enrollment management: Implementation and experience
EN Maltz, KE Murphy, ML Hand
Decision Support Systems 44 (1), 106-123, 2007
Benchmarking sustainability performance: the next step in building sustainable business models
E Maltz, HH Bi, M Bateman
Journal of Public Affairs 18 (3), e1606, 2018
The effects of flexible firm orientations on market information use: Intended and unintended consequences
E Maltz, A Menon, JB Wilcox
Journal of Strategic Marketing 14 (2), 147-164, 2006
How managers make sourcing decisions about low cost regions: Insights from perceptual mapping
A Maltz, JR Carter, E Maltz
Industrial Marketing Management 40 (5), 796-804, 2011
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مقالات 1–20