N Yadaiah
N Yadaiah
Professor of EEE, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على jntuh.ac.in
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Implementation and performance analysis of digital controllers for brushless DC motor drives
R Shanmugasundram, KM Zakariah, N Yadaiah
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 19 (1), 213-224, 2012
ANN based peak power tracking for PV supplied DC motors
M Veerachary, N Yadaiah
Solar energy 69 (4), 343-350, 2000
Dynamically reconfigurable PWM controller for three-phase voltage-source inverters
RK Pongiannan, S Paramasivam, N Yadaiah
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 26 (6), 1790-1799, 2010
Fuzzy based coordinated controller for power system stability and voltage regulation
N Yadaiah, AGD Kumar, JL Bhattacharya
Electric Power Systems Research 69 (2-3), 169-177, 2004
Linearisation of multi-machine power system: modeling and control–a survey
N Yadaiah, NV Ramana
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 29 (4), 297-311, 2007
Neural network based state estimation of dynamical systems
N Yadaiah, G Sowmya
The 2006 IEEE international joint conference on neural network proceedings …, 2006
Modeling and implementation of brain emotional controller for permanent magnet synchronous motor drive
MD Qutubuddin, N Yadaiah
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 60, 193-203, 2017
Internal fault detection techniques for power transformers
N Yadaiah, N Ravi
Applied Soft Computing 11 (8), 5259-5269, 2011
Digital implementation of fuzzy logic controller for wide range speed control of brushless DC motor
R Shanmugasundram, KM Zakariah, N Yadaiah
2009 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety …, 2009
Design of current source hybrid power filter for harmonic current compensation
P Thirumoorthi, N Yadaiah
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 52, 78-91, 2015
FPGA based space vector PWM control IC for three phase induction motor drive
RK Pongiannan, N Yadaiah
2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2061-2066, 2006
Solar energy based dynamic sag compensator
P Thirumoorthi, S Deepika, N Yadaiah
2014 International Conference on Green Computing Communication and …, 2014
Fault detection techniques for power transformers
N Yadaiah, N Ravi
2007 IEEE/IAS Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, 1-9, 2007
Modeling, simulation and analysis of controllers for brushless direct current motor drives
R Shanmugasundram, KM Zakaraiah, N Yadaiah
Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (8), 1250-1264, 2013
Multisensor data fusion using neural networks
N Yadaiah, L Singh, RS Bapi, VS Rao, BL Deekshatulu, A Negi
The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings …, 2006
Neural network algorithm for parameter identification of dynamical systems involving time delays
N Yadaiah, BL Deekshatulu, L Sivakumar, VSH Rao
Applied Soft Computing 7 (3), 1084-1091, 2007
Low-cost high performance brushless dc motor drive for speed control applications
R Shanmugasundram, KM Zakariah, N Yadaiah
2009 International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in …, 2009
A hysteresis space vector PWM for PV tied Z-source NPC-MLI with DC-link neutral point balancing
SK Annam, RK Pongiannan, N Yadaiah
IEEE Access 9, 54420-54434, 2021
FPGA based three phase sinusoidal PWM VVVF controller
RK Pongiannan, P Selvabharathi, N Yadaiah
2011 1st International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems, 34-39, 2011
Dynamic source routing protocol using fuzzy logic concepts for ad hoc networks
C Venkatesh, N Yadaiah, AM Natarajan
Academic Open Internet Journal 15, 1-14, 2005
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مقالات 1–20