Dr. Mrinal K Ghose [Former Sr. Scientist/ISRO]
Dr. Mrinal K Ghose [Former Sr. Scientist/ISRO]
Retired Academician & Researcher
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على smu.edu.in
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A GIS based transportation model for solid waste disposal–A case study on Asansol municipality
MK Ghose, AK Dikshit, SK Sharma
Waste management (ISSN: 0956053X), SCI h index, Rank 92, UK 26 (11), 1287-1293, 2006
Wireless sensor networks: An overview on its security threats
K Sharma, MK Ghose
IJCA, Special Issue on “Mobile Ad-hoc Networks” MANETs 1495, 42-45, 2010
Cloud computing: possibilities, challenges and opportunities with special reference to its emerging need in the academic and working area of information science
PK Paul, MK Ghose
Procedia Engineering (ISSN: 18777058), SCI h index, Rank 23, UK 38, 2222-2227, 2012
Clinical course of endomyocardial fibrosis.
PN Gupta, MS Valiathan, KG Balakrishnan, CC Kartha, MK Ghosh
Heart (Formerly British heart journal), ISSN:13556037, SCI h index Rank 142 …, 1989
Development and application of Shannon’s entropy integrated information value model for landslide susceptibility assessment and zonation in Sikkim Himalayas in India
LP Sharma, N Patel, MK Ghose, P Debnath
Natural hazards (ISSN 15730840, 0921030X); SCI hindex Rank 60 75 (2), 1555-1576, 2015
Extended substitution–diffusion based image cipher using chaotic standard map
Anil Kumar, M K. Ghose
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (ISSN :10075704 …, 2011
A comparative study of various security approaches used in wireless sensor networks
K Sharma, MK Ghose, D Kumar, RPK Singh, VK Pandey
International journal of advanced science and technology 17 (2), 31-44, 2010
Contour line tracing algorithm for digital topographic maps
R Pradhan, S Kumar, R Agarwal, MP Pradhan, MK Ghose
International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), eISSN: 1985-2304 4 (2 …, 2010
Analytic hierarchy process and information value method-based landslide susceptibility mapping and vehicle vulnerability assessment along a highway in Sikkim Himalaya
P Banerjee, MK Ghose, R Pradhan
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-18, 2018
Optimized association rule mining using genetic algorithm
. Anandhavalli M, Suraj Kumar Sudhanshu, Ayush Kumar, Ghose M.K
Advances in Information Mining, ISSN: 0975–3265 1 (2), 1-4, 2009
Assessing landslide vulnerability from soil characteristics—a GIS-based analysis
LP Sharma, N Patel, P Debnath, MK Ghose
Arabian Journal of Geosciences ISSN 18667538, 18667511, SCI h index Rank 16 …, 2012
Influence of Shannon’s entropy on landslide-causing parameters for vulnerability study and zonation—a case study in Sikkim, India
LP Sharma, N Patel, MK Ghose, P Debnath
Arabian Journal of Geosciences ISSN 18667538, 18667511, SCI h index Rank 16 …, 2012
Software development effort estimation–neural network vs. regression modeling approach
R Bhatnagar, V Bhattacharjee, MK Ghose
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2 (7), 2950-2956, 2010
An improved zone based hybrid feature extraction model for handwritten alphabets recognition using euler number
OP Sharma, MK Ghose, KB Shah
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering 2 (2), 504-508, 2012
Synergistic application of fuzzy logic and geo-informatics for landslide vulnerability zonation—a case study in Sikkim Himalayas, India
LP Sharma, N Patel, MK Ghose, P Debnath
Applied Geomatics (ISSN:1866928X, 18669298), SCI h index, Rank 9, Germany 5 …, 2013
Overview of information security using genetic algorithm and chaos
A Kumar, MK Ghose
Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective 18 (6), 306-315, 2009
Decision tree classification of remotely sensed satellite data using spectral separability matrix
MK Ghose, R Pradhan, SS Ghose
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 1 (5), 2010
Land cover classification of remotely sensed satellite data using bayesian and hybrid classifier
R Pradhan, MK Ghose, A Jeyaram
International Journal of Computer Applications 7 (11), 1-4, 2010
Estimation of rainfall-runoff using remote sensing and GIS in and around Singtam, East Sikkim
R Pradhan, MP Pradhan, MK Ghose, VS Agarwal, S Agarwal
International journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 1 (3), 466, 2010
Performance analysis of AIM-K-means and K-means in quality cluster generation
Samarjeet Borah, M.K Ghose
Journal of Computing, ISSN 2151-9617 1 (1), 175-178, 2009
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20