Adrie Beulens
Adrie Beulens
Hoogleraar Toegepaste Informatiekunde, Wageningen Universiteit
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Identifying sources of uncertainty to generate supply chain redesign strategies
JGAJ Van Der Vorst, AJM Beulens
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 32 (6 …, 2002
Virtualization of food supply chains with the internet of things
CN Verdouw, J Wolfert, AJM Beulens, A Rialland
Journal of Food Engineering 176, 128-136, 2016
Transparency in complex dynamic food supply chains
JH Trienekens, PM Wognum, AJM Beulens, J Van der Vorst
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2011
Digital twins in smart farming
C Verdouw, B Tekinerdogan, A Beulens, S Wolfert
Agricultural Systems 189, 103046, 2021
Managing traceability information in manufacture
MH Jansen-Vullers, CA van Dorp, AJM Beulens
International journal of information management 23 (5), 395-413, 2003
Food safety and transparency in food chains and networks Relationships and challenges
AJM Beulens, DF Broens, P Folstar, GJ Hofstede
Food control 16 (6), 481-486, 2005
van der; Beulens, AJM; and P. van Beek 2000. Modeling and Simulating multi-echelon food systems
J Vorst
European Journal of Operational Research 122, 354-366, 0
Supply chain management in food chains: Improving performance by reducing uncertainty
JGAJ van der Vorst, AJM Beulens, W de Wit, P van Beek
International Transactions in Operational Research 5 (6), 487-499, 1998
A design and application of a multi-agent system for simulation of multi-actor spatial planning
A Ligtenberg, M Wachowicz, AK Bregt, A Beulens, DL Kettenis
Journal of environmental management 72 (1-2), 43-55, 2004
Virtualisation of floricultural supply chains: A review from an Internet of Things perspective
CN Verdouw, AJM Beulens, J Van Der Vorst
Computers and electronics in agriculture 99, 160-175, 2013
Organizing information integration in agri-food—A method based on a service-oriented architecture and living lab approach
J Wolfert, CN Verdouw, CM Verloop, AJM Beulens
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 70 (2), 389-405, 2010
Innovations in logistics and ICT in food supply chain networks
J Van der Vorst, A Beulens, P van Beek
Innovation in agri-food systems, 245-292, 2005
Process modelling in demand-driven supply chains: A reference model for the fruit industry
CN Verdouw, AJM Beulens, JH Trienekens, J Wolfert
Computers and electronics in agriculture 73 (2), 174-187, 2010
dijk, sJ & van, beulens, AJm. 2001. Leagile supply chain design in food industry; an inflexible poultry supply chain with high demand uncertainty
J Van der Vorst
International Journal on Logistics Management 12 (2), 73-85, 0
A reference architecture for IoT-based logistic information systems in agri-food supply chains
CN Verdouw, RM Robbemond, T Verwaart, J Wolfert, AJM Beulens
Enterprise information systems 12 (7), 755-779, 2018
A methodology to support multidisciplinary model-based water management
H Scholten, A Kassahun, JC Refsgaard, T Kargas, C Gavardinas, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 22 (5), 743-759, 2007
Simulation model of multi-compartment distribution in the catering supply chain
DR Jansen, A Van Weert, AJM Beulens, RBM Huirne
European Journal of Operational Research 133 (1), 210-224, 2001
A reference architecture for Farm Software Ecosystems
JW Kruize, J Wolfert, H Scholten, CN Verdouw, A Kassahun, AJM Beulens
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 125, 12-28, 2016
A control model for object virtualization in supply chain management
CN Verdouw, AJM Beulens, HA Reijers, JGAJ van der Vorst
Computers in industry 68, 116-131, 2015
Validation of an agent-based model for spatial planning: A role-playing approach
A Ligtenberg, RJA van Lammeren, AK Bregt, AJM Beulens
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 34 (5), 424-434, 2010
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مقالات 1–20