Peter M. Todd
Peter M. Todd
Provost Professor of Cognitive Science, Indiana University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Simple heuristics that make us smart
G Gigerenzer, PM Todd, the ABC Research Group
Oxford University Press, 2000
Can there ever be too many options? A meta-analytic review of choice overload
B Scheibehenne, R Greifeneder, PM Todd
Journal of consumer research 37 (3), 409-425, 2010
Fast and frugal heuristics: The adaptive toolbox.
G Gigerenzer, PM Todd
Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart, 3-34, 1999
Designing neural networks using genetic algorithms
GF Miller, PM Todd, SU Hegde
Proceedings of the third international conference on genetic algorithms, 379-384, 1989
Précis of simple heuristics that make us smart
PM Todd, G Gigerenzer
Behavioral and brain sciences 23 (5), 727-741, 2000
Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world
PM Todd, G Gigerenzer, the ABC Research Group
Oxford University Press USA, 2012
Exploration versus exploitation in space, mind, and society
TT Hills, PM Todd, D Lazer, AD Redish, ID Couzin
Trends in cognitive sciences 19 (1), 46-54, 2015
Bounding rationality to the world
PM Todd, G Gigerenzer
Journal of economic psychology 24 (2), 143-165, 2003
Environments That Make Us Smart: Ecological Rationality
PM Todd, G Gigerenzer
Current Directions in Psychological Science 16 (3), 167-171, 2007
Mate choice turns cognitive
GF Miller, PM Todd
Trends in cognitive sciences 2 (5), 190-198, 1998
Different cognitive processes underlie human mate choices and mate preferences
PM Todd, L Penke, B Fasolo, AP Lenton
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (38), 15011-15016, 2007
Optimal foraging in semantic memory.
TT Hills, MN Jones, PM Todd
Psychological review 119 (2), 431, 2012
Unpacking the exploration–exploitation tradeoff: A synthesis of human and animal literatures.
K Mehlhorn, BR Newell, PM Todd, MD Lee, K Morgan, VA Braithwaite, ...
Decision 2 (3), 191, 2015
A connectionist approach to algorithmic composition
PM Todd
Computer Music Journal 13 (4), 27-43, 1989
Fast and frugal food choices: Uncovering individual decision heuristics
B Scheibehenne, L Miesler, PM Todd
Appetite 49 (3), 578-589, 2007
Fast and frugal heuristics for environmentally bounded minds.
PM Todd
The MIT Press, 2001
Accurate judgments of intention from motion cues alone: A cross-cultural study
HC Barrett, PM Todd, GF Miller, PW Blythe
Evolution and Human Behavior 26 (4), 313-331, 2005
From Pride and Prejudice to Persuasion: Satisficing in Mate Search
GF Miller, PM Todd
Simple heuristics that make us smart, 287-308, 1999
Learning and connectionist representations
DE Rumelhart, PM Todd
Attention and performance XIV: Synergies in experimental psychology …, 1993
What moderates the too‐much‐choice effect?
B Scheibehenne, R Greifeneder, PM Todd
Psychology & Marketing 26 (3), 229-253, 2009
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مقالات 1–20