Dale Van Harlingen
Dale Van Harlingen
Professor of Physics, University of IIlinois at Urbana-Champaign
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Phase-sensitive tests of the symmetry of the pairing state in the high-temperature superconductors—Evidence for symmetry
DJ Van Harlingen
Reviews of Modern Physics 67 (2), 515, 1995
Experimental determination of the superconducting pairing state in YBCO from the phase coherence of YBCO-Pb dc SQUIDs
DA Wollman, DJ Van Harlingen, WC Lee, DM Ginsberg, AJ Leggett
Physical Review Letters 71 (13), 2134, 1993
Anomalous modulation of a zero-bias peak in a hybrid nanowire-superconductor device
ADK Finck, DJ Van Harlingen, PK Mohseni, K Jung, X Li
Physical review letters 110 (12), 126406, 2013
Evidence for Pairing from the Magnetic Field Modulation of Y-Pb Josephson Junctions
DA Wollman, DJ Van Harlingen, J Giapintzakis, DM Ginsberg
Physical review letters 74 (5), 797, 1995
The physics of pair-density waves: cuprate superconductors and beyond
DF Agterberg, JCS Davis, SD Edkins, E Fradkin, DJ Van Harlingen, ...
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 11 (1), 231-270, 2020
Flicker (1/f) noise in tunnel junction dc SQUIDS
RH Koch, J Clarke, WM Goubau, JM Martinis, CM Pegrum, ...
Journal of low temperature physics 51 (1), 207-224, 1983
Dynamical superconducting order parameter domains in Sr2RuO4
F Kidwingira, JD Strand, DJ Van Harlingen, Y Maeno
Science 314 (5803), 1267-1271, 2006
Decoherence in Josephson-junction qubits due to critical-current fluctuations
DJ Van Harlingen, TL Robertson, BLT Plourde, PA Reichardt, TA Crane, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (6), 064517, 2004
Temperature Dependence of the Penetration Depth in : Evidence for Nodes in the Gap Function
I Bonalde, BD Yanoff, MB Salamon, DJ Van Harlingen, EME Chia, ...
Physical review letters 85 (22), 4775, 2000
Quantum-noise theory for the resistively shunted Josephson junction
RH Koch, DJ Van Harlingen, J Clarke
Physical Review Letters 45 (26), 2132, 1980
Measurement of the current-phase relation of superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor Josephson junctions
SM Frolov, DJ Van Harlingen, VA Oboznov, VV Bolginov, VV Ryazanov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (14), 144505, 2004
Measurements of quantum noise in resistively shunted Josephson junctions
RH Koch, DJ Van Harlingen, J Clarke
Physical Review B 26 (1), 74, 1982
Imaging of magnetic vortices in superconducting networks and clusters by scanning SQUID microscopy
LN Vu, MS Wistrom, DJ Van Harlingen
Applied physics letters 63 (12), 1693-1695, 1993
Evidence for an anomalous current–phase relation in topological insulator Josephson junctions
C Kurter, ADK Finck, YS Hor, DJ Van Harlingen
Nature communications 6 (1), 7130, 2015
Quantum noise theory for the dc SQUID
RH Koch, DJ Van Harlingen, J Clarke
Applied Physics Letters 38 (5), 380-382, 1981
Observation of zero-point fluctuations in a resistively shunted Josephson tunnel junction
RH Koch, DJ Van Harlingen, J Clarke
Physical Review Letters 47 (17), 1216, 1981
Design and implementation of a scanning SQUID microscope
LN Vu, DJ Van Harlingen
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 3 (1), 1918-1921, 1993
Influence of edge barriers on vortex dynamics in thin weak-pinning superconducting strips
BLT Plourde, DJ Van Harlingen, DY Vodolazov, R Besseling, ...
Physical Review B 64 (1), 014503, 2001
Electronic Transport in Underdoped Nanowires: Evidence <?format ?>for Fluctuating Domain Structures
JA Bonetti, DS Caplan, DJ Van Harlingen, MB Weissman
Physical review letters 93 (8), 087002, 2004
Josephson interferometry and Shapiro step measurements of superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor junctions
SM Frolov, DJ Van Harlingen, VV Bolginov, VA Oboznov, VV Ryazanov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (2), 020503, 2006
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مقالات 1–20