Steve Vincent
Steve Vincent
Newcastle University Business School
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Studying organizations using critical realism: A practical guide
PK Edwards, J O'Mahoney, S Vincent
OUP Oxford, 2014
Going privately: partnership and outsourcing in UK public services
D Grimshaw, S Vincent, H Willmott
Public Administration 80 (3), 475-502, 2002
Critical realism as an empirical project: A beginner's guide
J O'Mahoney, S Vincent
Studying organizations using critical realism: A practical guide, 2014
Whose skill is it anyway? ‘soft’skills and polarization
I Grugulis, S Vincent
Work, employment and society 23 (4), 597-615, 2009
Changing organizational forms and the employment relationship
J Rubery, J Earnshaw, M Marchington, FL Cooke, S Vincent
Journal of management studies 39 (5), 645-672, 2002
Critical realism and qualitative research: An introductory overview
S Vincent, J O'Mahoney
The SAGE handbook of qualitative business and management research methods …, 2018
Analysing the influence of institutional, organizational and interpersonal forces in shaping inter‐organizational relations
M Marchington, S Vincent
Journal of management studies 41 (6), 1029-1056, 2004
Labour process theory and critical realism
P Thompson, S Vincent
Working life: Renewing labour process analysis, 47-69, 2010
Critical realism and the organizational case study: A guide to discovering institutional mechanisms
S Vincent, R Wapshott
Studying organizations using critical realism: A practical guide, 2014
The emotional labour process: An essay on the economy of feelings
S Vincent
Human Relations 64 (10), 1369-1392, 2011
Situating human resource management in the political economy: Multilevel theorising and opportunities for kaleidoscopic imagination
S Vincent, GJ Bamber, R Delbridge, V Doellgast, J Grady, I Grugulis
Human Resource Management Journal 30 (4), 461-477, 2020
New technology and changing organisational forms: implications for managerial control and skills
D Grimshaw, FL Cooke, I Grugulis, S Vincent
New Technology, Work and Employment 17 (3), 186-203, 2002
The rise of the ‘network organisation’and the decline of discretion
I Grugulis, S Vincent, G Hebson
Human Resource Management Journal 13 (2), 45-59, 2003
Critical Essay: Meta-analysis: A critical realist critique and alternative
MJ Brannan, S Fleetwood, J O’Mahoney, S Vincent
Human Relations 70 (1), 11-39, 2017
The role of boundary-spanning agents in inter-organizational contracting
M Marchington, S Vincent, FL Cooke
Fragmenting work: Blurring organizational boundaries and disordering …, 2005
New control modes and emergent organizational forms: private-public contracting in public administration
D Grimshaw, S Vincent, H Willmott
Administrative Theory & Praxis 23 (3), 407-430, 2001
Bourdieu and the gendered social structure of working time: A study of self-employed human resources professionals
S Vincent
Human Relations 69 (5), 1163-1184, 2016
Entrepreneurial agency and field relations: A realist Bourdieusian analysis
S Vincent, V Pagan
Human Relations 72 (2), 188-216, 2019
Changing Boundaries, Shaping Skills: the'New'Organisational Form and Employee Skills
I Grugulis, S Vincent
Fragmenting Work in New Organisational Forms: Blurring Boundaries and …, 2004
A transmutation theory of inter-organizational exchange relations and networks: Applying critical realism to analysis of collective agency
S Vincent
Human Relations 61 (6), 875-899, 2008
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مقالات 1–20