Job engagement: Antecedents and effects on job performance BL Rich, JA Lepine, ER Crawford Academy of management journal 53 (3), 617-635, 2010 | 6784 | 2010 |
Helping and voice extra-role behaviors: Evidence of construct and predictive validity L Van Dyne, JA LePine Academy of Management journal 41 (1), 108-119, 1998 | 5176 | 1998 |
Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment JA Colquitt, JA Lepine, MJ Wesson Organizational Behaviour. McGraw-Hill Education. www. mhhe. con, 2015 | 4823 | 2015 |
Linking job demands and resources to employee engagement and burnout: a theoretical extension and meta-analytic test. ER Crawford, JA LePine, BL Rich Journal of applied psychology 95 (5), 834, 2010 | 4523 | 2010 |
Trust, trustworthiness, and trust propensity: a meta-analytic test of their unique relationships with risk taking and job performance. JA Colquitt, BA Scott, JA LePine Journal of applied psychology 92 (4), 909, 2007 | 4180 | 2007 |
Toward an integrative theory of training motivation: a meta-analytic path analysis of 20 years of research. JA Colquitt, JA LePine, RA Noe Journal of applied psychology 85 (5), 678, 2000 | 3796 | 2000 |
The nature and dimensionality of organizational citizenship behavior: A critical review and meta-analysis. JA LePine, A Erez, DE Johnson Journal of applied psychology 87 (1), 52, 2002 | 3490 | 2002 |
A meta-analytic test of the challenge stressor–hindrance stressor framework: An explanation for inconsistent relationships among stressors and performance JA LePine, NP Podsakoff, MA LePine Academy of management journal 48 (5), 764-775, 2005 | 3366 | 2005 |
Differential challenge stressor-hindrance stressor relationships with job attitudes, turnover intentions, turnover, and withdrawal behavior: a meta-analysis. NP Podsakoff, JA LePine, MA LePine Journal of applied psychology 92 (2), 438, 2007 | 2912 | 2007 |
Predicting voice behavior in work groups. JA LePine, L Van Dyne Journal of applied psychology 83 (6), 853, 1998 | 2048 | 1998 |
Voice and cooperative behavior as contrasting forms of contextual performance: evidence of differential relationships with big five personality characteristics and cognitive … JA LePine, L Van Dyne Journal of applied psychology 86 (2), 326, 2001 | 1859 | 2001 |
A meta‐analysis of teamwork processes: Tests of a multidimensional model and relationships with team effectiveness criteria JA LePine, RF Piccolo, CL Jackson, JE Mathieu, JR Saul Personnel psychology 61 (2), 273-307, 2008 | 1509 | 2008 |
Challenge and hindrance stress: relationships with exhaustion, motivation to learn, and learning performance. JA LePine, MA LePine, CL Jackson Journal of applied psychology 89 (5), 883, 2004 | 1313 | 2004 |
Adaptability to changing task contexts: Effects of general cognitive ability, conscientiousness, and openness to experience JA LePine, JA Colquitt, A Erez Personnel psychology 53 (3), 563-593, 2000 | 1242 | 2000 |
Loving yourself abundantly: relationship of the narcissistic personality to self-and other perceptions of workplace deviance, leadership, and task and contextual performance. TA Judge, JA LePine, BL Rich Journal of applied psychology 91 (4), 762, 2006 | 1187 | 2006 |
Explaining the justice–performance relationship: Trust as exchange deepener or trust as uncertainty reducer? JA Colquitt, JA LePine, RF Piccolo, CP Zapata, BL Rich Journal of applied psychology 97 (1), 1, 2012 | 935 | 2012 |
Team adaptation and postchange performance: effects of team composition in terms of members' cognitive ability and personality. JA LePine Journal of applied psychology 88 (1), 27, 2003 | 778 | 2003 |
“Well, I’m tired of tryin’!” Organizational citizenship behavior and citizenship fatigue. MC Bolino, HH Hsiung, J Harvey, JA LePine Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (1), 56, 2015 | 663 | 2015 |
A meta‐analysis of voice and its promotive and prohibitive forms: Identification of key associations, distinctions, and future research directions M Chamberlin, DW Newton, JA Lepine Personnel Psychology 70 (1), 11-71, 2017 | 631 | 2017 |
Effects of individual differences on the performance of hierarchical decision-making teams: Much more than g. JA LePine, JR Hollenbeck, DR Ilgen, J Hedlund Journal of Applied psychology 82 (5), 803, 1997 | 543 | 1997 |