Lizhu Li
Lizhu Li
Research Scientist, College of Optical Science, University of Arizona
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Toward all-fiber supercontinuum spanning the mid-infrared
DD Hudson, S Antipov, L Li, I Alamgir, T Hu, ME Amraoui, Y Messaddeq, ...
Optica 4 (10), 1163-1166, 2017
Broadband supercontinuum generation in all-normal dispersion chalcogenide microwires
A Al-Kadry, L Li, ME Amraoui, T North, Y Messaddeq, M Rochette
Optics letters 40 (20), 4687-4690, 2015
Design, fabrication and characterization of PC, COP and PMMA-cladded As2Se3 microwires
L Li, A Al-Kadry, N Abdukerim, M Rochette
Optical Materials Express 6 (3), 912-921, 2016
Mid-infrared wavelength conversion from As2Se3 microwires
L Li, N Abdukerim, M Rochette
Optics letters 42 (3), 639-642, 2017
Chalcogenide-based optical parametric oscillator at 2 μm
N Abdukerim, L Li, M Rochette
Optics letters 41 (18), 4364-4367, 2016
Chalcogenide optical microwires cladded with fluorine-based CYTOP
L Li, N Abdukerim, M Rochette
Optics Express 24 (17), 18931-18937, 2016
Power-efficient production of photon pairs in a tapered chalcogenide microwire
E Meyer-Scott, A Dot, R Ahmad, L Li, M Rochette, T Jennewein
Applied Physics Letters 106 (8), 2015
2 μm Raman fiber laser based on a multimaterial chalcogenide microwire
N Abdukerim, L Li, M El Amraoui, Y Messaddeq, M Rochette
Applied Physics Letters 110 (16), 2017
Mapping the uniformity of optical microwires using phase-correlation Brillouin distributed measurements
DM Chow, JC Tchahame, A Denisov, JC Beugnot, T Sylvestre, L Li, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FW4F. 4, 2015
10-W level picosecond Yb3+-doped all-fiber laser source at 976 nm
S Fu, L Li, X Zhu, RA Norwood, N Peyghambarian
Journal of Lightwave Technology 40 (13), 4415-4419, 2022
Fiber Bragg grating-based quasi-distributed temperature sensor for down-hole monitoring
X Zhou, L Li, Q Yu
Sensor Letters 10 (7), 1486-1490, 2012
Octave-spanning supercontinuum in the mid-IR with a 3 µm ultrafast fiber laser
DD Hudson, S Antipov, L Li, I Alamgir, M El Amraoui, Y Messaddeq, ...
Nonlinear Optics, NTu3A. 3, 2017
Ultralow-quantum-defect single-frequency fiber laser
K AlYahyaei, X Zhu, L Li, J Zong, M Li, J Wang, J Meyer, A Chavez-Pirson, ...
Optics Letters 48 (14), 3817-3820, 2023
Origin of photoelastic phenomena in Ge-Se network glasses
L Li, AR Khanolkar, J Ari, P Deymier, P Lucas
Physical Review B 104 (21), 214209, 2021
Chalcogenide Microwires Cladded with Hydrogen–and Fluorine-Based Polymers and Their Applications
L Li
McGill University (Canada), 2017
Broadband pyramid antireflective structure on chalcogenide glasses by the hot embossing method for infrared photonics
L Li, J Ari, PA Deymier, P Lucas
Optical Materials Express 12 (4), 1638-1647, 2022
Fabrication and characterization of an As2Se3 optical microwire cladded with perfluorinated CYTOP
L Li, N Abdukerim, M Rochette
2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2016
Design, fabrication and characterization of polymer-coated As2Se3 microwires
L Li, A Al Kadry, M Rochette
at Photonics North, Materials-10-31-2, 2015
Injection-locked highly Yb3+-doped uncoupled-61-core phosphate fiber laser
L Li, X Zhu, J Wang, J Zong, M Li, J Meyer, A Chavez-Pirson, M Akbulut, ...
Optics Letters 48 (3), 590-593, 2023
Mid-IR supercontinuum generation
A Fuerbach, D Hudson, S Jackson, S Antipov, R Woodward, L Li, ...
Specialty Optical Fibers, SoTh3H. 1, 2018
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مقالات 1–20