Marco Toffolon
Marco Toffolon
Associate Professor of Hydraulics, University of Trento, Italy
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Metal fate and effects in estuaries: a review and conceptual model for better understanding of toxicity
AA de Souza Machado, K Spencer, W Kloas, M Toffolon, C Zarfl
Science of the Total Environment 541, 268-281, 2016
A hybrid model for river water temperature as a function of air temperature and discharge
M Toffolon, S Piccolroaz
Environmental Research Letters 10 (11), 114011, 2015
Thermopeaking in Alpine streams: event characterization and time scales
G Zolezzi, A Siviglia, M Toffolon, B Maiolini
Ecohydrology 4 (4), 564-576, 2011
A simple lumped model to convert air temperature into surface water temperature in lakes
S Piccolroaz, M Toffolon, B Majone
Hydrology and earth system sciences 17 (8), 3323-3338, 2013
Analytical description of tidal dynamics in convergent estuaries
HHG Savenije, M Toffolon, J Haas, EJM Veling
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C10), 2008
Prediction of surface temperature in lakes with different morphology using air temperature
M Toffolon, S Piccolroaz, B Majone, AM Soja, F Peeters, M Schmid, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 59 (6), 2185-2202, 2014
Prediction of river water temperature: a comparison between a new family of hybrid models and statistical approaches
S Piccolroaz, E Calamita, B Majone, A Gallice, A Siviglia, M Toffolon
Hydrological Processes 30 (21), 3901-3917, 2016
Modeling vegetation controls on fluvial morphological trajectories
W Bertoldi, A Siviglia, S Tettamanti, M Toffolon, D Vetsch, S Francalanci
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (20), 7167-7175, 2014
Linking the river to the estuary: influence of river discharge on tidal damping
H Cai, HHG Savenije, M Toffolon
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (1), 287-304, 2014
The role of stratification on lakes' thermal response: The case of L ake S uperior
S Piccolroaz, M Toffolon, B Majone
Water Resources Research 51 (10), 7878-7894, 2015
Thermal wave dynamics in rivers affected by hydropeaking
M Toffolon, A Siviglia, G Zolezzi
Water Resources Research 46 (8), 2010
On the predictability of lake surface temperature using air temperature in a changing climate: A case study for Lake Tahoe (USA)
S Piccolroaz, NC Healey, JD Lenters, SG Schladow, SJ Hook, GB Sahoo, ...
Limnology and oceanography 63 (1), 243-261, 2018
A new analytical framework for assessing the effect of sea‐level rise and dredging on tidal damping in estuaries
H Cai, HHG Savenije, M Toffolon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C9), 2012
Quantifying the impact of the Three Gorges Dam on the thermal dynamics of the Yangtze River
H Cai, S Piccolroaz, J Huang, Z Liu, F Liu, M Toffolon
Environmental Research Letters 13 (5), 054016, 2018
An ecogeomorphic model of tidal channel initiation and elaboration in progressive marsh accretional contexts
JP Belliard, M Toffolon, L Carniello, A D'Alpaos
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (6), 1040-1064, 2015
A framework of global competence for engineers: The need for a sustainable world
I Ortiz-Marcos, V Breuker, R Rodríguez-Rivero, B Kjellgren, F Dorel, ...
Sustainability 12 (22), 9568, 2020
How long are tidal channels?
G Seminara, S Lanzoni, N Tambroni, M Toffolon
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 643, 479-494, 2010
Spatial distribution of stable water isotopes in alpine snow cover
N Dietermann, M Weiler
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (7), 2657, 2013
Revisiting linearized one‐dimensional tidal propagation
M Toffolon, HHG Savenije
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C7), 2011
Long‐term morphological evolution of funnel‐shape tide‐dominated estuaries
I Todeschini, M Toffolon, M Tubino
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C5), 2008
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مقالات 1–20