Athula Bandara
Athula Bandara
Department of Chemistry, University of Peradeniya
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على pdn.ac.lk
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Mechanistic modeling of arsenic retention on natural red earth in simulated environmental systems
M Vithanage, R Chandrajith, A Bandara, R Weerasooriya
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 294 (2), 265-272, 2006
Adsorption of CO and NO on NiO (111) Ni (111) surface studied by infrared-visible sum frequency generation spectroscopy
A Bandara, S Dobashi, J Kubota, K Onda, A Wada, K Domen, C Hirose, ...
Surface science 387 (1-3), 312-319, 1997
Short-lived reactive intermediate in the decomposition of formate on NiO (111) surface observed by picosecond temperature jump
A Bandara, J Kubota, K Onda, A Wada, SS Kano, K Domen, C Hirose
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (31), 5951-5954, 1998
Adsorption and reactions of formic acid on (2× 2)-NiO (111)/Ni (111) surface. 1. TPD and IRAS studies under ultrahigh vacuum conditions
A Bandara, J Kubota, A Wada, K Domen, C Hirose
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (36), 14962-14968, 1996
Adsorption and reactions of formic acid on (2× 2)-NiO (111)/Ni (111) surface. 2. IRAS study under catalytic steady-state conditions
A Bandara, J Kubota, A Wada, K Domen, C Hirose
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101 (3), 361-368, 1997
Determination of the adsorption process of tributyltin (TBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) onto kaolinite surface using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
M Hoch, A Bandara
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 253 (1-3 …, 2005
Fluoride adsorption on γ − Fe2O3 nanoparticles
L Jayarathna, A Bandara, WJ Ng, R Weerasooriya
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 13, 1-10, 2015
Preparation, characterization and conducting properties of nanocomposites of successively intercalated polyaniline (PANI) in montmorillonite (MMT)
DTBT WMAT Bandara, DMM Krishantha, JSHQ Perera, RMG Rajapakse
Journal of composite materials 39 (9), 759-775, 2005
Surface complexation modeling of cadmium adsorption on gibbsite
R Weerasooriya, H Wijesekara, A Bandara
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 207 (1-3 …, 2002
Sum-frequency generation study of reacting species at surfaces.
C Hirose, A Bandara, S Katano, J Kubota, A Wada, K Domen
Applied Physics B: Lasers & Optics 68 (3), 1999
The effect of co-adsorption of on-top CO on the sum-frequency generation signal of bridge CO on the Ni (111) surface
A Bandara, S Katano, J Kubota, K Onda, A Wada, K Domen, C Hirose
Chemical physics letters 290 (1-3), 261-267, 1998
Nanogibbsite: Synthesis and characterization
CK Kumara, WJ Ng, A Bandara, R Weerasooriya
Journal of colloid and interface science 352 (2), 252-258, 2010
Infrared spectroscopic study of the potential change at cocatalyst particles on oxynitride photocatalysts for water splitting by visible light irradiation
X Lu, A Bandara, M Katayama, A Yamakata, J Kubota, K Domen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (48), 23902-23907, 2011
Macroscopic and vibration spectroscopic evidence for specific bonding of arsenate on gibbsite
R Weerasooriya, HJ Tobschall, H Wijesekara, A Bandara
Chemosphere 55 (9), 1259-1270, 2004
IRAS study of formic acid decomposition on NiO (111) Ni (111) surface: comparison of vacuum and catalytic conditions
J Kubota, A Bandara, A Wada, K Domen, C Hirose
Surface science 368 (1-3), 361-365, 1996
Fabrication of succinic acid-γ-Fe2O3 nano core–shells
L Jayarathne, WJ Ng, A Bandara, M Vitanage, CB Dissanayake
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 403, 96-102, 2012
Adsorption and decomposition of formic acid on the NiO (111)-p (2× 2) surface: TPD and steady state kinetics studies
A Bandara, J Kubota, A Wada, K Domen, C Hirose
Surface science 364 (2), L580-L586, 1996
Theoretical study of phenol and hydroxyl radical reaction mechanism in aqueous medium by the DFT/B3LYP/6-31+ G (d, p)/CPCM model
PB Jayathilaka, GC Pathiraja, A Bandara, ND Subasinghe, ...
Canadian Journal of Chemistry 92 (9), 809-813, 2014
Adsorption and decomposition of formic acid (DCOOD) on NiO (111) and Ni (111) surfaces probed by SFG.
A Bandara, J Kubota, A Wada, K Domen, C Hirose
Applied Physics B: Lasers & Optics 68 (3), 1999
Deactivation of Pd particles supported on Nb2O5/Cu3Au (1 0 0): SFG and TPD studies from UHV to 100 mbar
F Höbel, A Bandara, G Rupprechter, HJ Freund
Surface science 600 (4), 963-970, 2006
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مقالات 1–20