Joseph N. Cappella
Joseph N. Cappella
Professor, Annenberg school for Communication University of Pennsylvania
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Spiral of cynicism: The press and the public good
JN Cappella, KH Jamieson
Oxford University Press on Demand, 1997
Echo chamber: Rush Limbaugh and the conservative media establishment
KH Jamieson, JN Cappella
Oxford University Press, 2008
The role of theory in developing effective health communications
M Fishbein, JN Cappella
Journal of communication 56 (suppl_1), S1-S17, 2006
Narrative communication in cancer prevention and control: A framework to guide research and application
MW Kreuter, MC Green, JN Cappella, MD Slater, ME Wise, D Storey, ...
Annals of behavioral medicine 33, 221-235, 2007
Do people watch what they do not trust? Exploring the association between news media skepticism and exposure
Y Tsfati, JN Cappella
Communication research 30 (5), 504-529, 2003
News frames, political cynicism, and media cynicism
JN Cappella, KH Jamieson
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 546 (1 …, 1996
Does disagreement contribute to more deliberative opinion?
V Price, JN Cappella, L Nir
Political communication 19 (1), 95-112, 2002
Spiral of cynicism: The press and the public good
JN Capella
Oxford University Press, 1997
Mutual influence in expressive behavior: Adult–adult and infant–adult dyadic interaction.
JN Cappella
Psychological bulletin 89 (1), 101, 1981
Talk and silence sequences in informal conversations III: Interspeaker influence
JN Cappella, S Planalp
Human Communication Research 7 (2), 117-132, 1981
Why do people watch news they do not trust? The need for cognition as a moderator in the association between news media skepticism and exposure
Y Tsfati, JN Cappella
Media psychology 7 (3), 251-271, 2005
Online deliberation and its influence: The electronic dialogue project in campaign 2000
V Price, JN Cappella
it & Society 1 (1), 303-329, 2002
A discrepancy‐arousal explanation of mutual influence in expressive behavior for adult and infant‐adult interaction
JN Cappella, JO Greene
Communications Monographs 49 (2), 89-114, 1982
Argument repertoire as a reliable and valid measure of opinion quality: Electronic dialogue during campaign 2000
JN Cappella, V Price, L Nir
Political Communication 19 (1), 73-93, 2002
Normative and informational influences in online political discussions
V Price, L Nir, JN Cappella
Communication Theory 16 (1), 47-74, 2006
Narrative health communication and behavior change: The influence of exemplars in the news on intention to quit smoking
HS Kim, CA Bigman, AE Leader, C Lerman, JN Cappella
Journal of Communication 62 (3), 473-492, 2012
Big data, digital media, and computational social science: Possibilities and perils
DV Shah, JN Cappella, WR Neuman
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 659 (1), 6-13, 2015
Framing public discussion of gay civil unions
V Price, L Nir, JN Cappella
Public opinion quarterly 69 (2), 179-212, 2005
Where we go from here: health misinformation on social media
WY Sylvia Chou, A Gaysynsky, JN Cappella
American journal of public health 110 (S3), S273-S275, 2020
A measure of perceived argument strength: Reliability and validity
X Zhao, A Strasser, JN Cappella, C Lerman, M Fishbein
Communication methods and measures 5 (1), 48-75, 2011
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مقالات 1–20