Oliver McGarr
Oliver McGarr
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A review of podcasting in higher education: Its influence on the traditional lecture
O McGarr
Australasian journal of educational technology 25 (3), 2009
A framework for teachers’ integration of ICT into their classroom practice
D Donnelly, O McGarr, J O’Reilly
Computers & education 57 (2), 1469-1483, 2011
The use of virtual simulations in teacher education to develop pre-service teachers’ behaviour and classroom management skills: implications for reflective practice
O McGarr
Journal of Education for Teaching 47 (2), 274-286, 2021
Digital competence in teacher education, output 1 of the Erasmus+ funded developing student teachers’ digital competence (DICTE) project
O McGarr, A McDonagh
https://researchrepository.ul.ie/articles/report …, 2019
‘Just enough to make you take it seriously’: exploring students’ attitudes towards peer assessment
O McGarr, AM Clifford
Higher education 65, 677-693, 2013
Exploring the digital competence of pre-service teachers on entry onto an initial teacher education programme in Ireland
O McGarr, A McDonagh
Irish Educational Studies 40 (1), 115-128, 2021
Exploring the theory-practice gap in initial teacher education: Moving beyond questions of relevance to issues of power and authority
O McGarr, E O’Grady, L Guilfoyle
Journal of Education for Teaching 43 (1), 48-60, 2017
The development of ICT across the curriculum in Irish schools: A historical perspective
O McGarr
British journal of educational technology 40 (6), 1094-1108, 2009
The role of the teaching principal in promoting ICT use in small primary schools in Ireland
O McGarr, G Kearney
Technology, pedagogy and education 18 (1), 87-102, 2009
Enhancing the student experiment experience: Visible scientific inquiry through a virtual chemistry laboratory
D Donnelly, J O’Reilly, O McGarr
Research in science education 43, 1571-1592, 2013
‘Just Be Quiet and Listen to Exactly What He's Saying': Conceptualising power relations in inquiry-oriented classrooms
DF Donnelly, O McGarr, J O'Reilly
International Journal of Science Education 36 (12), 2029-2054, 2014
Reflecting to conform? Exploring Irish student teachers’ discourses in reflective practice
O McGarr, O McCormack
The Journal of Educational Research 107 (4), 267-280, 2014
Scaffolding or stifling? The influence of journal requirements on students’ engagement in reflective practice
O McGarr, J Moody
Reflective practice 11 (5), 579-591, 2010
Monopolising the STEM agenda in second-level schools: Exploring power relations and subject subcultures
O McGarr, R Lynch
International Journal of Technology and Design Education 27, 51-62, 2017
Clinical performance assessment tools in physiotherapy practice education: a systematic review
A O’Connor, O McGarr, P Cantillon, A McCurtin, A Clifford
Physiotherapy 104 (1), 46-53, 2018
Education for sustainable development in technology education in Irish schools: A curriculum analysis
O McGarr
International Journal of Technology and Design Education 20, 317-332, 2010
Exploring the evolution of educational technology policy in Ireland: From catching-up to pedagogical maturity
O McGarr, K Johnston
Educational Policy 35 (6), 841-865, 2021
Introducing the PEAT model to frame professional digital competence in teacher education
A MC DONAGH, P Camilleri, BK Engen, O McGarr
University of Limerick, 2021
Digital competence in teacher education: comparing national policies in Norway, Ireland and Spain
O McGarr, L Mifsud, JC Colomer Rubio
Learning, Media and Technology 46 (4), 483-497, 2021
Exploring Spanish pre-service teachers’ talk in relation to ICT: balancing different expectations between the university and practicum school
O McGarr, G Gavaldon
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 27 (2), 199-209, 2018
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مقالات 1–20