Arvind Rasi Subramaniam
Arvind Rasi Subramaniam
Associate Professor, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Translational control through differential ribosome pausing during amino acid limitation in mammalian cells
AM Darnell, AR Subramaniam, EK O’Shea
Molecular cell 71 (2), 229-243. e11, 2018
An integrated approach reveals regulatory controls on bacterial translation elongation
AR Subramaniam, BM Zid, EK O’Shea
Cell 159 (5), 1200-1211, 2014
Environmental perturbations lift the degeneracy of the genetic code to regulate protein levels in bacteria
AR Subramaniam, T Pan, P Cluzel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (6), 2419-2424, 2013
A serine sensor for multicellularity in a bacterium
AR Subramaniam, A DeLoughery, N Bradshaw, Y Chen, E O’Shea, ...
eLife 2, e01501, 2013
Entanglement entropy and multifractality at localization transitions
X Jia, AR Subramaniam, IA Gruzberg, S Chakravarty
Physical Review B 77 (1), 014208, 2008
Conformal invariance, multifractality, and finite-size scaling at Anderson localization transitions in two dimensions
H Obuse, AR Subramaniam, A Furusaki, IA Gruzberg, AWW Ludwig
Physical Review B 82 (3), 035309, 2010
Coordinated missplicing of TMEM14C and ABCB7 causes ring sideroblast formation in SF3B1-mutant myelodysplastic syndrome
CA Clough, J Pangallo, M Sarchi, JO Ilagan, K North, R Bergantinos, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 139 (13), 2038-2049, 2022
Boundary multifractality at the integer quantum Hall plateau transition: implications for the critical theory
H Obuse, AR Subramaniam, A Furusaki, IA Gruzberg, AWW Ludwig
Physical review letters 101 (11), 116802, 2008
Surface criticality and multifractality at localization transitions
AR Subramaniam, IA Gruzberg, AWW Ludwig, F Evers, A Mildenberger, ...
Physical review letters 96 (12), 126802, 2006
Inverted translational control of eukaryotic gene expression by ribosome collisions
H Park, AR Subramaniam
PLoS biology 17 (9), e3000396, 2019
Kinetic modeling predicts a stimulatory role for ribosome collisions at elongation stall sites in bacteria
MA Ferrin, AR Subramaniam
eLife 6, e23629, 2017
Multifractality and conformal invariance at 2D metal-insulator transition in the spin-orbit symmetry class
H Obuse, AR Subramaniam, A Furusaki, IA Gruzberg, AWW Ludwig
Physical review letters 98 (15), 156802, 2007
Boundary criticality and multifractality at the two-dimensional spin quantum Hall transition
AR Subramaniam, IA Gruzberg, AWW Ludwig
Physical Review B 78 (24), 245105, 2008
Boundary multifractality in critical one-dimensional systems with long-range hopping
A Mildenberger, AR Subramaniam, R Narayanan, F Evers, IA Gruzberg, ...
Physical Review B 75 (9), 094204, 2007
Comprehensive profiling of translation initiation in influenza virus infected cells
HM Machkovech, JD Bloom, AR Subramaniam
PLoS pathogens 15 (1), e1007518, 2019
Transcriptional-translational conflict is a barrier to cellular transformation and cancer progression
S Jana, S Brahma, S Arora, CL Wladyka, P Hoang, S Blinka, R Hough, ...
Cancer Cell 41 (5), 853-870. e13, 2023
A nascent peptide code for translational control of mRNA stability in human cells
PC Burke, H Park, AR Subramaniam
Nature Communications 13, 6829, 2022
Metabolic excretion associated with nutrient–growth dysregulation promotes the rapid evolution of an overt metabolic defect
R Green, Sonal, L Wang, SFM Hart, W Lu, D Skelding, JC Burton, H Mi, ...
PLoS Biology 18 (8), e3000757, 2020
Corner multifractality for reflex angles and conformal invariance at 2D Anderson metal–insulator transition with spin–orbit scattering
H Obuse, AR Subramaniam, A Furusaki, IA Gruzberg, AWW Ludwig
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 40 (5), 1404-1406, 2008
Translational buffering by ribosome stalling in upstream open reading frames
TA Bottorff, H Park, AP Geballe, AR Subramaniam
Plos Genetics 18 (10), e1010460, 2022
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مقالات 1–20