Harish Kumar
Harish Kumar
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Characterization of tensile properties of tailor welded IF steel sheets and their formability in stretch forming
SK Panda, DR Kumar, H Kumar, AK Nath
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 183 (2-3), 321-332, 2007
Laser boronising of Ti–6Al–4V as a result of laser alloying with pre-placed BN
JS Selvan, K Subramanian, AK Nath, H Kumar, C Ramachandra, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 260 (1-2), 178-187, 1999
Studies on fatigue life enhancement of pre-fatigued spring steel specimens using laser shock peening
P. Ganesh, R. Sundar, H. Kumar, R. Kaul, K. Ranganathan , P. Hedaoo, G ...
Materials and Design 54, 734–741, 2014
Studies on laser peening of spring steel for automotive applications
P Ganesh, R Sundar, H Kumar, R Kaul, K Ranganathan, P Hedaoo, ...
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 50 (5), 678-686, 2012
Fracture behavior of laser-clad joint of Stellite 21 on AISI 316L stainless steel
P Ganesh, A Moitra, P Tiwari, S Sathyanarayanan, H Kumar, SK Rai, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (16-17), 3748-3756, 2010
Laser surface hardening of titanium–titanium boride (Ti–TiB) metal matrix composite
P Chandrasekar, V Balusamy, KSR Chandran, H Kumar
Scripta Materialia 56 (7), 641-644, 2007
Studies towards development of laser peening technology for martensitic stainless steel and titanium alloys for steam turbine applications
BK Pant, R Sundar, H Kumar, R Kaul, AHV Pavan, K Ranganathan, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 587, 352-358, 2013
Experimental investigation on laser directed energy deposition of functionally graded layers of Ni-Cr-B-Si and SS316L
SM Banait, CP Paul, AN Jinoop, H Kumar, RS Pawade, KS Bindra
Optics & Laser Technology 121, 105787, 2020
Fretting Wear Behavior of Laser Peened Ti-6Al-4V
S. Anand Kumar, R. Sundar, S. Ganesh Sundara Raman, Harish Kumar, R ...
Tribology Transactions 55 (5), 615-623, 2012
Processing of concretes with a high power CO2 laser
BT Rao, H Kumar, AK Nath
Optics & Laser Technology 37 (5), 348-356, 2005
Influence of laser peening on microstructure and fatigue lives of Ti−6Al−4V
S. Anand Kumar, R. Sundar, S. Ganesh Sundara Raman, Harish Kumar, R. Kaul, K ...
Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24, 3111−3117, 2014
Effect of active flux addition on laser welding of austenitic stainless steel
R. Kaul, P. Ganesh, N. Singh, R. Jagdheesh, M. S. Bhagat, Harish Kumar, P ...
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 12 (2), 127 – 137, 2007
Fatigue Crack Propagation and Fracture Toughness of Laser Rapid Manufactured Structures of AISI 316L Stainless Steel
P. Ganesh, Rakesh Kaul, G. Sasikala, Harish Kumar, S. Venugopal, Pragya ...
Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis. 3, 36-45, 2014
Studies on laser peening using different sacrificial coatings
R. Sundar, Harish Kumar, R. Kaul, K. Ranganathan, P. Tiwari, L. M. Kukreja ...
Surface Engineering 28 (8), 564-568, 2012
Formation of WC-iron silicide (Fe5Si3) composite clad layer on AISI 316L stainless steel by high power (CO2) laser
A Viswanathan, D Sastikumar, H Kumar, AK Nath
Surface and Coatings Technology 203 (12), 1618-1623, 2009
Laser irradiation of AISI 316L stainless steel coated with Si3N4 and Ti
A Viswanathan, D Sastikumar, P Rajarajan, H Kumar, AK Nath
Optics & Laser Technology 39 (8), 1504-1513, 2007
Laser processed TiC–Al13Fe4 composite layer formation on Al–Si alloy
A Viswanathan, D Sastikumar, H Kumar, AK Nath
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 50 (9), 1321-1329, 2012
Laser Welding of 3 mm thick Laser-cut AISI 304 Stainless Steel Sheet
Harish Kumar, P. Ganesh, B. Tirumala Rao, Pragya Tiwari, Rakesh Kaul and A ...
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 15 (1), 23-31, 2006
Electron-beam-induced modifications in high-density polyethylene
HGH Kumar, RD Mathad, S Ganesh, KSS Sarma, CR Haramaghatti
Brazilian Journal of Physics 41, 7-14, 2011
Laser shock peening of steam turbine blade for enhanced service life
R Sundar, B K Pant, Harish Kumar, P Ganesh, D C Nagpure, P Haedoo, Rakesh ...
PRAMANA _ journal of physics 82 (2), 347–351, 2014
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مقالات 1–20