Andreas Giazitzoglu
Andreas Giazitzoglu
Senior Lecturer
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A reconceptualization of fear of failure in entrepreneurship
G Cacciottia, J Hayton, R Mitchell, A Giazitzoglu
journal of Business Venturing 31 (3), 302 - 325, 2016
Youth, enterprise and precarity: or, what is, and what is wrong with, the ‘gig economy’?
R MacDonald, A Giazitzoglu
Journal of Sociology 55 (4), 724-740, 2019
Performing entrepreneurial masculinity: An ethnographic account
A Giazitzoglu, S Down
International small business journal 35 (1), 40-60, 2017
Learning the rules of the game: How is corporate masculinity learned and enacted by male professionals from nonprivileged backgrounds?
A Giazitzoglu, D Muzio
Gender, Work & Organization 28 (1), 67-84, 2021
This Sporting Life: The intersection of hegemonic masculinities, space and emotions among rugby players
A Giazitzoglu
Gender, Work & Organization 27 (1), 67-81, 2020
Understanding fear of failure in entrepreneurship: A cognitive process framework
JC Hayton, G Cacciotti, A Giazitzoglu, JR Mitchell, C Ainge
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 33 (6), 1, 2013
Exploring innovation in challenging contexts: The experiences of ethnic minority restaurant owners during COVID-19
T Korede, A Al Mamun, P Lassalle, A Giazitzoglu
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 24 (1), 19-31, 2023
Masculinity, embodiment and identity-work: how do organisational members use their bodies as identity resources to (re) accomplish hegemonic masculinity?
A Giazitzoglu
Organization 31 (1), 139-162, 2024
A 3-level model of insider ethnography
A Giazitzoglu, G Payne
The Qualitative Report 23 (5), 1149-1159, 2018
Qualitative upward mobility, the mass-media and ‘posh’masculinity in contemporary north-east Britain: A micro sociological case-study
A Giazitzoglu
Sociological Research Online 19 (2), 1-11, 2014
Identity and Entrepreneurship
S Down, A Giazitzoglu
Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship, 2015
Identity-work among Black African male immigrant entrepreneurs residing in Northern English regional contexts: A qualitative examination
A Giazitzoglu, T Korede
Journal of Business Research 164, 113978, 2023
Learning not to labour: A micro analysis of consensual male unemployment
AG Giazitzoglu
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 34 (5/6), 334-348, 2014
Being and naughtiness: An account of being an ethnographic-insider studying white, working class gym-users
A Giazitzoglu
The Qualitative Report, 2018
Experiencing upward mobility: the case of self-employed businessmen
A Giazitzoglu
Social Mobility for the 21st Century, 105-117, 2017
Nathan Meyer-Rothschild’s Reproduction of Business Masculinity in the Portrait A View from the Royal Exchange. A Historical, Bourdieusian and Visual Semiotic …
A Giazitzoglu, J Wilson
Journal of Organizational Sociology 1 (3), 319-339, 2024
Conceptualización del miedo al fracaso en el emprendimiento
G Cacciotti, C Hayton, JR Mitchell, A Giazitzoglu
Journal of business venturing, 302-325, 2016
Business in the backwaters: how ‘distance from the core’impacts entrepreneurs’ lived experiences
A Giazitzoglu, T Volery, J Cunningham, A Musu, C Bianchi
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 36 (5-6), 607-631, 2024
Working out our melancholy our muscles and our masculinities
A Giazitzoglu
Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Durham University, Durham, UK. http …, 2010
The role of cunning misrepresentations in entrepreneurial impression management
A Giazitzoglu, A Whittle, F Mueller
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 36 (9-10), 1210-1231, 2024
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مقالات 1–20