Leonardo Pereira
Leonardo Pereira
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Optimization of natural lighting design for visual comfort in modular classrooms: Temuco case
L Callejas, L Pereira, A Reyes, P Torres, B Piderit
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 503 (1), 012007, 2020
Ageing related human factors to be addressed in the design of visual interfaces of digital applications developed for seniors: a literature review
L Pereira, D Brandão, N Martins
Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication II: Research, Innovations …, 2021
Interface design guidelines for low literature users: a literature review
L GuimarãEs, N Martins, L Pereira, E Penedos-Santiago, D BrandãO
Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Conference on Education and E …, 2022
Estratégias de Produção de Motion Graphics para Mobile TV: O contexto Português
LFF Pereira
PQDT-Global, 2009
The focus behavior in iTV interfaces versus its users’ expectations: A complex dialectic for elders
L Pereira, J Abreu, H Alvelos
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Integration of Design …, 2013
Color sensitivity in digital interfaces designed for elderly people
L Pereira, N Martins, D Brandão
International conference on design and digital communication, 74-85, 2021
Dynamic Visual Identities: Fundamental Principles of Their Design
P Fonte, N Martins, D Raposo, L Pereira
Communication Design and Branding: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 41-56, 2023
Redesigning the Visual Identity of Non-profit Organizations: The Case Study of Escola Oficina
J Vasconcelos, N Martins, D Brandão, L Pereira, D Raposo
Communication Design and Branding: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 57-76, 2023
Iconography design for digital applications developed for the elderly or senior user
L Pereira, N Martins, SD Ferreira, J Neves, J Silva, D Brandão
Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design, 93-108, 2022
Character Design: The Case of Characters in a Hybrid Serious Game Called FlavourGame
D Martins, L Pereira, AP Oliveira, N Zagalo
International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, 183-194, 2021
Craft Academy: Design of an e-learning solution for the handicrafts' industries preservation
N Martins, L Pereira, D Brandão, D Raposo, J Neves, J Silva
2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2021
Video Games as Aggregating Mediums and Resulting Products of Several Visual Communication Languages
P Tavares, PM Teixeira, L Pereira, MM Cruz-Cunha
Business, Technological, and Social Dimensions of Computer Games …, 2011
Waste Management: Designing a User-Centered and Sustainable Mobile Application
B Justa, N Martins, L Pereira, D Brandão
Perspectives on Design III: Research, Education and Practice, 77-93, 2024
The Contribution of Interface Design on the Promotion and Sales of Social Institutions’ Products: The Case Study of Escola Oficina
R Lobo, N Martins, L Pereira, D Brandão
Perspectives on Design III: Research, Education and Practice, 111-134, 2024
Diegetic Credits in Film and Series Title Sequences: A Preliminary and Exploratory Study on How to Visually Apply Diegetic Properties to Title Sequences’ Credits
L Pereira, N Martins, D Brandão
International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, 779-791, 2022
Design and development of an online sales platform for the brand: Engenharia do Brigadeiro
V Maia, L Pereira, D Brandão
Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication III: Research, Innovations …, 2022
The Role of Design in Online Communication for Higher Education Institutions During the Covid-19 Pandemic
AR Cardoso, D Brandão, N Martins, L Pereira
Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication IV: Research, Innovations …, 2023
Evaluation of the Design and Usability of the Digital Repositories of the Universities of Porto and Minho (PT), Yale (USA) and Melbourne (AU)
 Loureiro, N Martins, L Pereira, D Brandão, D Raposo
Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication IV: Research, Innovations …, 2023
Exploring Racial Diversity in Fashion Brand Advertising: An Instagram-Based Study of Three Prominent Brands
L Martins, N Martins, L Pereira, D Raposo
Communication Design and Branding: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 123-137, 2023
Mapping Persona Interaction with Scenarios
J Gago, T Marques, E Rolo, L Pereira, N Martins
International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, 85-93, 2022
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مقالات 1–20