Marco Lombardi
Marco Lombardi
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على unicatt.it - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Saggio sul diritto giurisprudenziale
L Lombardi
(No Title), 1967
Il nuovo manuale di tecniche pubblicitarie. Il senso e il valore della pubblicità
M Lombardi
FrancoAngeli, 2008
Prostitution and human trafficking
A Di Nicola, A Cauduro, M Lombardi, P Ruspini
Focus on clients 254, 2009
Dalla" fides" alla" bona fides"
L Lombardi
(No Title), 1961
Countering radicalisation and violent extremism among youth to prevent terrorism
M Lombardi, E Ragab, V Chin
IOS Press, 2014
Comunicare nell'emergenza
M Lombardi
Vita e pensiero, 2005
Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation and risk of atrial fibrillation: an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
M Lombardi, S Carbone, MG Del Buono, JG Chiabrando, GM Vescovo, ...
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy 7 (4), e69-e70, 2021
Determinazione del fido e gestione del credito commerciale: come realizzare un sistema aziendale per l'organizzazione dell'ufficio crediti: concessione fidi clientela …
L Lombardi
FrancoAngeli, 1999
Long-term clinical impact of permanent pacemaker implantation in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A Zito, G Princi, M Lombardi, D D’Amario, R Vergallo, C Aurigemma, ...
EP Europace 24 (7), 1127-1136, 2022
Root angle is controlled by EGT1 in cereal crops employing an antigravitropic mechanism
R Fusi, S Rosignoli, H Lou, G Sangiorgi, R Bovina, JK Pattem, AN Borkar, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (31), e2201350119, 2022
Rischio ambientale e comunicazione
M Lombardi
Franco Angeli, 1996
Early literacy skills and later reading and writing performance across countries: The effects of orthographic consistency and preschool curriculum
M Majorano, T Bastianello, C Bodea-Hategan, P Fantuzzi, G Fontana, ...
Child & Youth Care Forum 50, 1063-1085, 2021
Impact of different doses of omega-3 fatty acids on cardiovascular outcomes: a pairwise and network meta-analysis
M Lombardi, JG Chiabrando, GM Vescovo, E Bressi, MG Del Buono, ...
Current Atherosclerosis Reports 22, 1-10, 2020
Determinants of root system architecture for future‐ready, stress‐resilient crops
M Lombardi, L De Gara, F Loreto
Physiologia Plantarum 172 (4), 2090-2097, 2021
La marca, una come noi. La personalità di marca nell'era post spot
M Lombardi
FrancoAngeli, 2007
La gestione della tesoreria d'impresa
L Lombardi
Come negoziare con le banche e gli intermediari finanziari, 0
Il terrorismo nel nuovo millennio
M Lombardi
Vita e pensiero, 2016
Stenting techniques for coronary bifurcation lesions: Evidence from a network meta‐analysis of randomized clinical trials
JG Chiabrando, M Lombardi, GM Vescovo, GF Wohlford, RA Koenig, ...
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 97 (3), E306-E318, 2021
Direct oral anticoagulants vs. vitamin K antagonists for the treatment of left ventricular thrombosis: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis
M Camilli, M Lombardi, MG Del Buono, JG Chiabrando, R Vergallo, ...
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy 7 (3), e21-e25, 2021
IS 2.0 and beyond: The caliphate’s communication project
M Lombardi
Twitter and Jihad: the communication strategy of ISIS, 83-124, 2015
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20