John Anderies
John Anderies
Professor and Assistant Director of Research, Global Futures Laboratory, Arizona State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
From metaphor to measurement: resilience of what to what?
S Carpenter, B Walker, JM Anderies, N Abel
Ecosystems 4, 765-781, 2001
A framework to analyze the robustness of social-ecological systems from an institutional perspective
JM Anderies, MA Janssen, E Ostrom
Ecology and society 9 (1), 2004
Resilience management in social-ecological systems: a working hypothesis for a participatory approach
B Walker, S Carpenter, J Anderies, N Abel, G Cumming, M Janssen, ...
Conservation ecology 6 (1), 2002
Governance and the capacity to manage resilience in regional social-ecological systems
L Lebel, JM Anderies, B Campbell, C Folke, S Hatfield-Dodds, TP Hughes, ...
Ecology and society 11 (1), 2006
Going beyond panaceas
E Ostrom, MA Janssen, JM Anderies
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (39), 15176-15178, 2007
Social norms as solutions
K Nyborg, JM Anderies, A Dannenberg, T Lindahl, C Schill, M Schlüter, ...
Science 354 (6308), 42-43, 2016
Toward a network perspective of the study of resilience in social-ecological systems
MA Janssen, Ö Bodin, JM Anderies, T Elmqvist, H Ernstson, ...
Ecology and society 11 (1), 2006
Invasion, competition, and biodiversity loss in urban ecosystems
E Shochat, SB Lerman, JM Anderies, PS Warren, SH Faeth, CH Nilon
BioScience 60 (3), 199-208, 2010
Aligning key concepts for global change policy: robustness, resilience, and sustainability
JM Anderies, C Folke, B Walker, E Ostrom
Ecology and society 18 (2), 2013
Resilience: A literature review
P Martin-Breen, JM Anderies
Sponsored by Rockefeller Foundation, September, 2011
Resilience, adaptability, and transformability in the Goulburn-Broken Catchment, Australia
BH Walker, N Abel, JM Anderies, P Ryan
Ecology and society 14 (1), 2009
Exploring resilience in social-ecological systems through comparative studies and theory development: introduction to the special issue
BH Walker, JM Anderies, AP Kinzig, P Ryan
Ecology and society 11 (1), 2006
Fifteen weddings and a funeral: case studies and resilience-based management
JM Anderies, BH Walker, AP Kinzig
Ecology and society 11 (1), 2006
Robustness of social-ecological systems to spatial and temporal variability
MA Janssen, JM Anderies, E Ostrom
Society and Natural Resources 20 (4), 307-322, 2007
Collapse and reorganization in social-ecological systems: questions, some ideas, and policy implications
N Abel, DHM Cumming, JM Anderies
Ecology and society 11 (1), 2006
Grazing management, resilience, and the dynamics of a fire-driven rangeland system
JM Anderies, MA Janssen, BH Walker
Ecosystems 5, 23-44, 2002
Empathy, place and identity interactions for sustainability
K Brown, WN Adger, P Devine-Wright, JM Anderies, S Barr, F Bousquet, ...
Global environmental change 56, 11-17, 2019
Transnational corporations and the challenge of biosphere stewardship
C Folke, H Österblom, JB Jouffray, EF Lambin, WN Adger, M Scheffer, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (10), 1396-1403, 2019
Explaining success and failure in the commons: the configural nature of Ostrom's institutional design principles
J Baggio, A Barnett, I Perez-Ibarra, U Brady, E Ratajczyk, N Rollins, ...
International Journal of the Commons 10 (2), 2016
Robustness of social‐ecological systems: implications for public policy
JM Anderies, MA Janssen
Policy Studies Journal 41 (3), 513-536, 2013
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مقالات 1–20