Mehdi Ehsan
Mehdi Ehsan
Professor, Sharif University. EE Dept.
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A probabilistic modeling of photo voltaic modules and wind power generation impact on distribution networks
A Soroudi, M Aien, M Ehsan
IEEE Systems Journal 6 (2), 254-259, 2011
Operation scheduling of battery storage systems in joint energy and ancillary services markets
M Kazemi, H Zareipour, N Amjady, WD Rosehart, M Ehsan
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 8 (4), 1726-1735, 2017
A genetic–based tabu search algorithm for optimal DG allocation in distribution networks
M Gandomkar, M Vakilian, M Ehsan
Electric power components and systems 33 (12), 1351-1362, 2005
A combination of genetic algorithm and simulated annealing for optimal DG allocation in distribution networks
M Gandomkar, M Vakilian, M Ehsan
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2005., 645-648, 2005
Optimal transactive market operations with distribution system operators
YK Renani, M Ehsan, M Shahidehpour
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (6), 6692-6701, 2017
Application of information-gap decision theory to risk-constrained self-scheduling of GenCos
B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, H Zareipour, N Amjady, M Ehsan
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (2), 1093-1102, 2012
Iteration PSO with time varying acceleration coefficients for solving non-convex economic dispatch problems
B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, A Rabiee, A Soroudi, M Ehsan
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 42 (1), 508-516, 2012
Possibilistic evaluation of distributed generations impacts on distribution networks
A Soroudi, M Ehsan, R Caire, N Hadjsaid
IEEE Transactions on power systems 26 (4), 2293-2301, 2011
A practical eco-environmental distribution network planning model including fuel cells and non-renewable distributed energy resources
A Soroudi, M Ehsan, H Zareipour
Renewable energy 36 (1), 179-188, 2011
Imperialist competitive algorithm for solving non-convex dynamic economic power dispatch
B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, A Rabiee, A Soroudi, M Ehsan
Energy 44 (1), 228-240, 2012
IGDT based robust decision making tool for DNOs in load procurement under severe uncertainty
A Soroudi, M Ehsan
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (2), 886-895, 2012
A hybrid storage-wind virtual power plant (VPP) participation in the electricity markets: A self-scheduling optimization considering price, renewable generation, and electric …
A Alahyari, M Ehsan, MS Mousavizadeh
Journal of Energy Storage 25, 100812, 2019
A distribution network expansion planning model considering distributed generation options and techo-economical issues
A Soroudi, M Ehsan
Energy 35 (8), 3364-3374, 2010
Probabilistic dynamic multi-objective model for renewable and non-renewable distributed generation planning
A Soroudi, R Caire, N Hadjsaid, M Ehsan
IET generation, transmission & distribution 5 (11), 1173-1182, 2011
Optimal distributed generation allocation in distribution network using Hereford Ranch algorithm
M Gandomkar, M Vakilian, M Ehsan
2005 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems 2, 916-918, 2005
A possibilistic–probabilistic tool for evaluating the impact of stochastic renewable and controllable power generation on energy losses in distribution networks—A case study
A Soroudi, M Ehsan
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (1), 794-800, 2011
Hybrid immune-genetic algorithm method for benefit maximisation of distribution network operators and distributed generation owners in a deregulated environment
A Soroudi, M Ehsan, R Caire, N Hadjsaid
IET generation, transmission & distribution 5 (9), 961-972, 2011
Time-varying acceleration coefficients IPSO for solving dynamic economic dispatch with non-smooth cost function
B Mohammadi-ivatloo, A Rabiee, M Ehsan
Energy conversion and management 56, 175-183, 2012
Risk-constrained strategic bidding of GenCos considering demand response
M Kazemi, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, M Ehsan
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (1), 376-384, 2014
Distribution loss allocation for radial systems including DGs
Z Ghofrani-Jahromi, Z Mahmoodzadeh, M Ehsan
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29 (1), 72-80, 2013
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مقالات 1–20