Emily Parker
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Do federal place-based policies improve economic opportunity in rural communities?
E Parker, L Tach, C Robertson
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 8 (4), 125-154, 2022
Gender Differences in the Marital Plans and Union Transitions of First Cohabitations
E Parker
Population Research and Policy Review, 1-22, 2021
Fatherhood and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Progression of Romantic Relationships
E Parker, S Sassler, L Tach
Journal of Marriage and Family, 2021
Spatial variation in access to the health care safety net for Hispanic immigrants, 1970–2017
E Parker
Social Science & Medicine, 2021
Historical redlining and contemporary federal place-based policy: A case of compensatory or compounding neighborhood inequality?
C Robertson, E Parker, L Tach
Housing Policy Debate 33 (2), 429-452, 2023
Poverty Governance in the Delegated Welfare State: Privatization, Commodification, and the US Health Care Safety Net
E Parker
Social Problems, spae037, 2024
Finding a job: An intersectional analysis of search strategies and outcomes among US STEM graduates
J Glass, K Takasaki, S Sassler, E Parker
Research in social stratification and mobility 83, 100758, 2023
The Place-Based Turn in Federal Policymaking, 1990–2015
L Tach, AC Cooperstock, S Dodini, E Parker
annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Austin, TX, April …, 2019
The promise and limits of inclusive public policy: federal safety net clinics and immigrant access to health care in the US
E Parker, RA Schut, C Boen
Social Forces 103 (3), 992-1017, 2025
Politics, stigma, and the market: Access to health care for the poor in the United States, 1965–2020
EA Parker
Cornell University, 2021
Political Controversy, Partisanship, and Health Care for the Poor: A Comparative Analysis of US Policies, 1965–2001
E Parker
November, 2020
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مقالات 1–11