Justin Robert Keene
Justin Robert Keene
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The Psychological Science Accelerator: Advancing psychology through a distributed collaborative network
H Moshontz, L Campbell, CR Ebersole, H IJzerman, HL Urry, PS Forscher, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 501-515, 2018
The limited capacity model of motivated mediated message processing: Looking to the future
JT Fisher, R Huskey, JR Keene, R Weber
Annals of the International Communication Association 42 (4), 291-315, 2018
The effect of sports fan identification on the cognitive processing of sports news
RF Potter, JR Keene
International Journal of Sport Communication 5 (3), 348-367, 2012
The limited capacity model of motivated mediated message processing: Taking stock of the past
JT Fisher, JR Keene, R Huskey, R Weber
Annals of the International Communication Association 42 (4), 270-290, 2018
A layered framework for considering open science practices
ND Bowman, JR Keene
Communication Research Reports 35 (4), 363-372, 2018
Dynamic motivated processing of emotional trajectories in public service announcements
JR Keene, A Lang
Communication Monographs 83 (4), 468-485, 2016
The impact of subjective camera in sports on arousal and enjoyment
RG Cummins, JR Keene, BH Nutting
Mass Communication and Society 15 (1), 74-97, 2012
Explaining parental coviewing: The role of social facilitation and arousal
EE Rasmussen, JR Keene, CK Berke, RL Densley, T Loof
Communication Monographs 84 (3), 365-384, 2017
Smoking status matters: A direct comparison of smokers’ and nonsmokers’ psychophysiological and self-report responses to secondhand smoke anti-tobacco PSAs
RB Clayton, JR Keene, G Leshner, A Lang, RL Bailey
Health Communication 35 (8), 925-934, 2020
If everyone is doing it, it must be safe: college students’ development of attitudes toward poly-substance use
E Willis, R Adams, J Keene
Substance Use & Misuse 54 (11), 1886-1893, 2019
On the use of beats-per-minute and interbeat interval in the analysis of cardiac responses to mediated messages
JR Keene, RB Clayton, CK Berke, T Loof, PD Bolls
Communication Research Reports 34 (3), 265-274, 2017
The limited capacity model of motivated mediated message processing: Meta-analytically summarizing two decades of research
R Huskey, S Wilcox, RB Clayton, JR Keene
Annals of the International Communication Association 44 (4), 322-349, 2020
Sports commentators and source credibility: Do those who can't play... commentate?
JR Keene, RG Cummins
Journal of Sports Media 4 (2), 57-83, 2009
Flow encourages task focus, but frustration drives task switching: How reward and effort combine to influence player engagement in a simple video game
N David Bowman, J Keene, CJ Najera
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Flexible and modular brain network dynamics characterize flow experiences during media use: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
R Huskey, JR Keene, S Wilcox, X Gong, R Adams, CJ Najera
Journal of Communication 72 (1), 6-32, 2022
A biopsychological model of anti-drug PSA processing: Developing effective persuasive messages
ZP Hohman, JR Keene, BN Harris, EM Niedbala, CK Berke
Prevention Science 18, 1006-1016, 2017
The biological roots of political extremism: Negativity bias, political ideology, and preferences for political news
JR Keene, H Shoenberger, CK Berke, PD Bolls
Politics and the Life Sciences 36 (2), 37-48, 2017
The effect of plot explicit, educational explicit, and implicit inference information and coviewing on children's internal and external cognitive processing
JR Keene, EE Rasmussen, CK Berke, RL Densley, T Loof, RB Adams, ...
Journal of Applied Communication Research, 2019
Text on screen: Can emotionally incongruent combinations of media frames and messages elicit coactivation in the motivational systems
JR Keene, A Lang, T Loof
Media psychology 22 (3), 501-525, 2019
Coactivation in the motivational systems and motivational inhibition: processing and emotional judgments of pictures and framed anti-drug messages
JR Keene
Unpublished dissertation, Indiana University Bloomington, 2014
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مقالات 1–20