Mamadou Kaba Traoré
Mamadou Kaba Traoré
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Capturing the dual relationship between simulation models and their context
MK Traoré, A Muzy
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 14 (2), 126-142, 2006
VLE: a multimodeling and simulation environment
G Quesnel, R Duboz, E Ramat, MK Traoré
Proceedings of the 2007 summer computer simulation conference, 367-374, 2007
MBSE with/out Simulation: State of the Art and Way Forward
BP Zeigler, S Mittal, MK Traore
Systems 6 (4), 40, 2018
Modeling and simulation framework for value-based healthcare systems
MK Traoré, G Zacharewicz, R Duboz, B Zeigler
Simulation 95 (6), 481-497, 2019
Distribution of random streams for simulation practitioners
DRC Hill, C Mazel, J Passerat‐Palmbach, MK Traore
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and experience 25 (10), 1427-1442, 2013
SimStudio: a next generation modeling and simulation framework
MK Traoré
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Simulation tools and …, 2008
A model-driven software environment for modeling, simulation and analysis of complex systems.
L Touraille, MK Traoré, DRC Hill
SpringSim (TMS-DEVS), 229-237, 2011
The use of random number generation for stochastic distributed simulation: application to ecological modeling
M Traore, DRC Hill
13th European Simulation Symposium, 555-559, 2001
The high level language for system specification: A model-driven approach to systems engineering
HO Aliyu, O Maïga, MK Traoré
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 7 …, 2016
A model-driven framework for multi-paradigm modeling and holistic simulation of healthcare systems
I Djitog, HO Aliyu, MK Traoré
Simulation 94 (3), 235-257, 2018
Hybrid simulation for cyber physical systems: a panel on where are we going regarding complexity, intelligence, and adaptability of CPS using simulation.
A Tolk, FJ Barros, A D'Ambrogio, A Rajhans, PJ Mosterman, SS Shetty, ...
SpringSim (MSCIAAS), 3:1-3:19, 2018
Unifying digital twin framework: Simulation-based proof-of-concept
MK Traoré
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (1), 886-893, 2021
Activity regions for the specification of discrete event systems
A Muzy, L Touraille, H Vangheluwe, O Michel, MK Traoré, DRC Hill
Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference, 1-7, 2010
Analyzing static and temporal properties of simulation models
MK Traore
Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, 897-904, 2006
An introduction to devs standardization
GA Wainer, K Al-Zoubi, DRC Hill, S Mittal, JLR Martín, H Sarjoughian, ...
Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation, 393-425, 2018
A unifying framework for specifying DEVS parallel and distributed simulation architectures
A Adegoke, H Togo, MK Traoré
Simulation 89 (11), 1293-1309, 2013
A graphical notation for DEVS
MK Traoré
Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, 1-7, 2009
A mark-up language for the storage, retrieval, sharing and interoperability of DEVS models
L Touraille, MK Traoré, DRC Hill
Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, 1-6, 2009
Value-based learning healthcare systems: Integrative modeling and simulation
B Zeigler, MK Traoré, G Zacharewicz, R Duboz
Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2019
Standardizing DEVS model representation
GA Wainer, K Al-Zoubi, DRC Hill, S Mittal, JLR Martín, H Sarjoughian, ...
Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation, 427-458, 2018
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مقالات 1–20