Andreas Baumann
Andreas Baumann
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على univie.ac.at - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Of absent mothers, strong sisters and peculiar daughters: The constructional network of English NPN constructions
L Sommerer, A Baumann
Cognitive Linguistics 32 (1), 97-131, 2021
Comparing Lexical Usage in Political Discourse across Diachronic Corpora
K Hofmann, A Marakasova, A Baumann, J Neidhardt, T Wissik
Proceedings of the Second ParlaCLARIN Workshop, 58-65, 2020
Linguistic diversification as a long-term effect of asymmetric priming: An adaptive-dynamics approach
A Baumann, L Sommerer
Language Dynamics and Change 8 (2), 253-296, 2018
The basic reproductive ratio as a link between acquisition and change in phonotactics
A Baumann, N Ritt
Cognition 176, 174-183, 2018
Diachronic dynamics of Middle English phonotactics provide evidence for analogy effects among lexical and morphonotactic consonant clusters
A Baumann, N Ritt, C Prömer
Papers in Historical Phonology 1, 50-75, 2016
A Review and Cluster Analysis of German Polarity Resources for Sentiment Analysis
BMJ Kern, A Baumann, TE Kolb, K Sekanina, K Hofmann, T Wissik, ...
3rd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2021), 2021
Coalescent Assimilation Across Wordboundaries in American English and in Polish English
K Kaźmierski, E Wojtkowiak, A Baumann
Research in Language 14 (3), 235-262, 2016
A dynamical-systems approach to the evolution of morphonotactic and lexical consonant clusters in English and Polish
A Baumann, K Kaźmierski
Yearbook of the Poznan Linguistic Meeting 2 (1), 115-139, 2016
Stabilising determinants in the transmission of phonotactic systems: Diachrony and acquisition of coda clusters in Dutch and Afrikaans
A Baumann, D Wissing
Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 55, 77-107, 2018
On the replicator dynamics of lexical stress: accounting for stress-pattern diversity in terms of evolutionary game theory
A Baumann, N Ritt
Phonology 34 (3), 439-471, 2017
Evolution of Consonant Clusters in English (ECCE): a diachronic phonotactic database
N Ritt, C Prömer, A Baumann
Vienna: Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna …, 2017
Scaling laws for phonotactic complexity in spoken English language data
A Baumann, K Kaźmierski, T Matzinger
Language and speech 64 (3), 693-704, 2021
Linguistic stability increases with population size, but only in stable learning environments.
A Baumann
The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference …, 2018
Seeing through the mess: evolutionary dynamics of lexical polysemy
A Baumann, A Stephan, B Roth
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2023
The ALPIN Sentiment Dictionary: Austrian Language Polarity in Newspapers
T Kolb, S Katharina, BMJ Kern, J Neidhardt, T Wissik, A Baumann
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2022
Less of the same: Modeling horror aequi and extravagance as mechanisms of negative frequency dependence in linguistic diversification
A Baumann, R Mühlenbernd, A Ravignani, R Asano, D Valente, F Ferretti, ...
The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language …, 2022
Komparative Zeitreihenanalyse der lexikalischen Stabilität und Emotion in österreichischen Korpusdaten
BMJ Kern, K Hofmann, A Baumann, T Wissik
Proceedings of Digital Lexis and beyond at OELT, 2021
DYLEN: Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks.
A Baumann, J Neidhardt, T Wissik
LDK (Posters), 24-28, 2019
Assessing the effect of ambiguity in compositionality signaling on the processing of diphones
A Baumann, K Kaźmierski
Language Sciences 67, 14-32, 2018
Word form shapes are selected to be morphotactically indicative
A Baumann, C Prömer, N Ritt
Folia Linguistica 40 (1), 129-151, 2019
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مقالات 1–20