Alejandro Palomo
Alejandro Palomo
Research Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على sustech.edu.cn
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Comparative genomics sheds light on niche differentiation and the evolutionary history of comammox Nitrospira
A Palomo, AG Pedersen, SJ Fowler, A Dechesne, T Sicheritz-Pontén, ...
The ISME journal 12 (7), 1779-1793, 2018
Comammox Nitrospira are abundant ammonia oxidizers in diverse groundwater‐fed rapid sand filter communities
SJ Fowler, A Palomo, A Dechesne, PD Mines, BF Smets
Environmental microbiology 20 (3), 1002-1015, 2018
Metagenomic analysis of rapid gravity sand filter microbial communities suggests novel physiology of Nitrospira spp.
A Palomo, S Jane Fowler, A Gülay, S Rasmussen, T Sicheritz-Ponten, ...
The ISME journal 10 (11), 2569-2581, 2016
Pathogenic and indigenous denitrifying bacteria are transcriptionally active and key multi-antibiotic-resistant players in wastewater treatment plants
L Yuan, Y Wang, L Zhang, A Palomo, J Zhou, BF Smets, H Bürgmann, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (15), 10862-10874, 2021
Genomic profiling of Nitrospira species reveals ecological success of comammox Nitrospira
A Palomo, A Dechesne, AG Pedersen, BF Smets
Microbiome 10 (204), 2022
Cultivation of methanotrophic bacteria in a novel bubble-free membrane bioreactor for microbial protein production
B Valverde-Pérez, W Xing, AA Zachariae, MM Skadborg, AF Kjeldgaard, ...
Bioresource technology 310, 123388, 2020
Minimum influent concentrations of oxytetracycline, streptomycin and spiramycin in selecting antibiotic resistance in biofilm type wastewater treatment systems
Z Tian, A Palomo, H Zhang, X Luan, R Liu, M Awad, BF Smets, Y Zhang, ...
Science of the Total Environment 720, 137531, 2020
Stable nitrogen removal by anammox process after rapid temperature drops: insights from metagenomics and metaproteomics
S Wang, K Ishii, H Yu, X Shi, BF Smets, A Palomo, J Zuo
Bioresource Technology 320, 124231, 2021
Underestimation of ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria abundance by amplification bias in amoA‐targeted qPCR
A Dechesne, S Musovic, A Palomo, V Diwan, BF Smets
Microbial Biotechnology 9 (4), 519-524, 2016
Temperature modulates stress response in mainstream anammox reactors
R Niederdorfer, D Hausherr, A Palomo, J Wei, P Magyar, BF Smets, ...
Communications Biology 4 (1), 23, 2021
Survival strategy of comammox bacteria in a wastewater nutrient removal system with sludge fermentation liquid as additional carbon source
S Xu, W Chai, R Xiao, BF Smets, A Palomo, H Lu
Science of The Total Environment 802, 149862, 2022
Micron-scale biogeography reveals conservative intra anammox bacteria spatial co-associations
L Chen, B Zhao, A Palomo, Y Sun, Z Cheng, M Zhang, Y Xia
Water Research 220, 118640, 2022
Prevalence of methylated arsenic and microbial arsenic methylation genes in paddy soils of the Mekong Delta
J Qiao, J Liu, A Palomo, BC Bostick, K Phan, Y Zheng, F Li
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (26), 9675-9682, 2023
Evolutionary ecology of natural comammox Nitrospira populations
A Palomo, A Dechesne, OX Cordero, BF Smets
Msystems 7 (1), e01139-21, 2022
Long-term preserved and rapidly revived methanogenic cultures: Microbial dynamics and preservation mechanisms
M Yan, IA Fotidis, A Jéglot, L Treu, H Tian, A Palomo, X Zhu, I Angelidaki
Journal of Cleaner Production 263, 121577, 2020
MnO2-modified activated carbon and granular nano-TiO2 in tandem succeed in treating domestic well water arsenic at point of use
Y Duan, Y Sun, A Palomo, Z Li, B Yang, Q Shi, DZ Zhang, Q Yang, ...
Nature Water 2 (7), 674-683, 2024
Biodegradation of trace sulfonamide antibiotics accelerated by substrates across oxic to anoxic conditions during column infiltration experiments
Y Ma, M Ma, A Palomo, Y Sun, JJ Modrzynski, J Aamand, Y Zheng
Water Research 242, 120193, 2023
Virus impacted community adaptation in oligotrophic groundwater environment revealed by Hi-C coupled metagenomic and viromic study
Z Cheng, X Li, A Palomo, Q Yang, L Han, Z Wu, Z Li, M Zhang, L Chen, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 458, 131944, 2023
Microbial protein production using a novel bubble-free membrane bioreactor
B Valverde-Pérez, W Xing, A Zachariae, A Kjeldgaard, M Skadborg, ...
IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference 2018, 2018
Narrow host range phages infect essential bacteria for water purification reactions in groundwater-fed rapid sand filters
A Palomo, A Dechesne, BF Smets, Y Zheng
Water Research 245, 120655, 2023
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مقالات 1–20