Evolution of correlated complexity in the radically different courtship signals of birds-of-paradise RA Ligon, CD Diaz, JL Morano, J Troscianko, M Stevens, A Moskeland, ... PLoS biology 16 (11), e2006962, 2018 | 122 | 2018 |
Seasonal and geographical patterns of fin whale song in the western North Atlantic Ocean JL Morano, DP Salisbury, AN Rice, KL Conklin, KL Falk, CW Clark The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (2), 1207-1212, 2012 | 114 | 2012 |
Acoustically detected year‐round presence of right whales in an urbanized migration corridor JL Morano, AN Rice, JT Tielens, BJ Estabrook, A Murray, BL Roberts, ... Conservation Biology 26 (4), 698-707, 2012 | 83 | 2012 |
Comparative bioacoustics: a roadmap for quantifying and comparing animal sounds across diverse taxa KJ Odom, M Araya‐Salas, JL Morano, RA Ligon, GM Leighton, CC Taff, ... Biological Reviews 96 (4), 1135-1159, 2021 | 61 | 2021 |
Spatial and temporal patterns of toadfish and black drum chorusing activity in the South Atlantic Bight AN Rice, JL Morano, KB Hodge, CA Muirhead Environmental biology of fishes 99, 705-716, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
North Atlantic right whale occurrence near wind energy areas along the mid-Atlantic US coast: implications for management KB Hodge, CA Muirhead, JL Morano, CW Clark, AN Rice Endangered Species Research 28 (3), 225-234, 2015 | 38 | 2015 |
Spatially varying coefficients can improve parsimony and descriptive power for species distribution models JT Thorson, CL Barnes, ST Friedman, JL Morano, MC Siple Ecography 2023 (5), e06510, 2023 | 26 | 2023 |
SEDNA-bioacoustic analysis toolbox PJ Dugan, DW Ponirakis, JA Zollweg, MS Pitzrick, JL Morano, AM Warde, ... OCEANS'11 MTS/IEEE KONA, 1-10, 2011 | 26 | 2011 |
Changing physical conditions and lower and upper trophic level responses on the US Northeast Shelf KD Friedland, RE Morse, N Shackell, JC Tam, JL Morano, JR Moisan, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 567445, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
Resource occurrence and productivity in existing and proposed wind energy lease areas on the Northeast US Shelf KD Friedland, ET Methratta, AB Gill, SK Gaichas, TH Curtis, EM Adams, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 629230, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
Linking knowledge and action for climate-ready fisheries: emerging best practices across the US JG Mason, SJ Weisberg, JL Morano, RJ Bell, M Fitchett, RB Griffis, ... Marine Policy 155, 105758, 2023 | 12 | 2023 |
Building time-budgets from bioacoustic signals to measure population-level changes in behavior: a case study with sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico EM McDonald, JL Morano, AI DeAngelis, AN Rice Ecological Indicators 72, 360-364, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Forage fish species prefer habitat within designated offshore wind energy areas in the US Northeast Shelf ecosystem KD Friedland, EM Adams, C Goetsch, J Gulka, DC Brady, E Rzeszowski, ... Marine and Coastal Fisheries 15 (2), e210230, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
A response to Cafaro, Hansson & Götmark (2022): Shifting the narrative from overpopulation to overconsumption AR Green, A Murphy, BR Collison, M Sánchez-Nivicela, H Anderson, ... Biological Conservation 273, 109698, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Seasonal movements of Gulf of Mexico sperm whales following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the limitations of impact assessments JL Morano, JT Tielens, CA Muirhead, BJ Estabrook, PJ Sullivan, ... Marine Pollution Bulletin 161, 111627, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Methods for characterizing fin whale song notes for comparative studies of geographic variation in song S Rankin, M Castellote, J Delarue, KM Stafford, FI Archer, B Koot, ... | 4 | 2018 |
Ecomorphology of round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, predation on zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha JL Morano Loyola University Chicago, 2007 | 3 | 2007 |
Year-round presence of right whales in Massachusetts Bay: Acoustically monitoring for a critically endangered marine mammal in a highly urbanized migration corridor J Morano, A Rice, J Tielens, B Estabrook, A Murray, BL Roberts, C Clark Conservation Biology 26, 698-707, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
Monitoring, measuring and describing ocean noise over ecologically viable scales with applications to impacts on large whales CW Clark, C Tremblay, M Fowler, C Diamond, D Ponirakis, C McCarthy, ... The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 (5_Supplement), 2987-2987, 2008 | 1 | 2008 |
Changes in Ocean Temperature Impact Fish Acoustic Communication: Implications for Reproductive Timing and Acoustic Community Structure AN Rice, JL Morano INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 55, E151-E151, 2015 | | 2015 |