Paulo M. Fernandes
Paulo M. Fernandes
أسماء أخرىPaulo Fernandes, Paulo A. Martins Fernandes
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A review of prescribed burning effectiveness in fire hazard reduction
PM Fernandes, HS Botelho
International Journal of Wildland Fire 12 (2), 117-128, 2003
Modelling natural disturbances in forest ecosystems: a review
R Seidl, PM Fernandes, TF Fonseca, F Gillet, AM Jönsson, ...
Ecological Modelling 222 (4), 903-924, 2011
Defining Extreme Wildfire Events: Difficulties, Challenges, and Impacts
F Tedim, V Leone, M Amraoui, C Bouillon, MR Coughlan, GM Delogu, ...
Fire 1 (1), 9, 2018
Wildfire management in Mediterranean-type regions: paradigm change needed
Environmental Research Letters 15, 011001, 2020
Prescribed burning in southern Europe: developing fire management in a dynamic landscape
PM Fernandes, GM Davies, D Ascoli, C Fernández, F Moreira, E Rigolot, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11 (s1), e4-e14, 2013
The fire ecology and management of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)
PM Fernandes, E Rigolot
Forest Ecology and Management 241 (1), 1-13, 2007
Climate change impact on future wildfire danger and activity in southern Europe: a review
J Dupuy, H Fargeon, N Martin-StPaul, F Pimont, J Ruffault, M Guijarro, ...
Annals of Forest Science 77, 1-24, 2020
Fire-related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin
S Paula, M Arianoutsou, D Kazanis, Ç Tavsanoglu, F Lloret, C Buhk, ...
Ecology 90 (5), 1420-1420, 2009
Fire-smart management of forest landscapes in the Mediterranean basin under global change
PM Fernandes
Landscape and Urban Planning 110, 175-182, 2013
Fire resistance of European pines
PM Fernandes, JA Vega, E Jimenez, E Rigolot
Forest Ecology and Management 256 (3), 246-255, 2008
Fire spread prediction in shrub fuels in Portugal
PA Martins Fernandes
Forest Ecology and Management 144 (1), 67-74, 2001
Combining forest structure data and fuel modelling to classify fire hazard in Portugal
PM Fernandes
Annals of Forest Science 66 (4), 415-415, 2009
Post-fire tree mortality in mixed forests of central Portugal
FX Catry, F Rego, F Moreira, PM Fernandes, JG Pausas
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (7), 1184-1192, 2010
A generic, empirical-based model for predicting rate of fire spread in shrublands
WR Anderson, MG Cruz, PM Fernandes, L McCaw, JA Vega, ...
International Journal of Wildland Fire 24 (4), 443-460, 2015
The dynamics and drivers of fuel and fire in the Portuguese public forest
PM Fernandes, C Loureiro, N Guiomar, GB Pezzatti, FT Manso, L Lopes
Journal of environmental management 146, 373-382, 2014
Plant flammability experiments offer limited insight into vegetation–fire dynamics interactions
PM Fernandes, MG Cruz
New Phytologist 194 (3), 606-609, 2012
Towards integrated fire management: outcomes of the European project fire paradox
JS Silva, F Rego, P Fernandes, E Rigolot
European Forest Institute, 2010
Forest fires in Portugal: dynamics, causes and policies
P Mateus, PM Fernandes
Forest context and policies in portugal: present and future challenges, 97-115, 2014
Portugal and Chile: Longing for sustainable forestry while rising from the ashes
S Gómez-González, F Ojeda, PAM Fernandes
Environmental Science & Policy 81, 104-107, 2018
Potential for CO2 emissions mitigation in Europe through prescribed burning in the context of the Kyoto Protocol
C Narayan, PM Fernandes, J van Brusselen, A Schuck
Forest Ecology and Management 251 (3), 164-173, 2007
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مقالات 1–20