Joshua C. Cochran
Joshua C. Cochran
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Prison Visitation and Recidivism
DP Mears, JC Cochran, SE Siennick, WD Bales
Justice Quarterly, 2011
The ties that bind or the ties that break: Examining the relationship between visitation and prisoner misconduct
JC Cochran
Journal of Criminal Justice 40 (5), 433-440, 2012
Breaches in the wall: Imprisonment, social support, and recidivism
JC Cochran
Journal of research in crime and delinquency 51 (2), 200-229, 2014
Social isolation and inmate behavior: A conceptual framework for theorizing prison visitation and guiding and assessing research
JC Cochran, DP Mears
Journal of Criminal Justice 41 (4), 252-261, 2013
Prisoner reentry in the era of mass incarceration
DP Mears, JC Cochran
Sage Publications, 2014
Racial, ethnic, and gender differences in perceptions of the police: The salience of officer race within the context of racial profiling
JC Cochran, PY Warren
Journal of contemporary criminal justice 28 (2), 206-227, 2012
Does Inmate Behavior Affect Post-Release Offending? Investigating the Misconduct-Recidivism Relationship among Youth and Adults
JC Cochran, DP Mears, WD Bales, EA Stewart
Justice Quarterly, 2012
Race, ethnic, and gender divides in juvenile court sanctioning and rehabilitative intervention
JC Cochran, DP Mears
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 52 (2), 181-212, 2015
Incarceration heterogeneity and its implications for assessing the effectiveness of imprisonment on recidivism
DP Mears, JC Cochran, FT Cullen
Criminal Justice Policy Review 26 (7), 691-712, 2015
Spatial distance, community disadvantage, and racial and ethnic variation in prison inmate access to social ties
JC Cochran, DP Mears, WD Bales, EA Stewart
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 53 (2), 220-254, 2016
Recidivism and time served in prison
DP Mears, JC Cochran, WD Bales, AS Bhati
The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 83-124, 2016
Who gets visited in prison? Individual-and community-level disparities in inmate visitation experiences
JC Cochran, DP Mears, WD Bales
Crime & Delinquency 63 (5), 545-568, 2017
Assessing the effectiveness of correctional sanctions
JC Cochran, DP Mears, WD Bales
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 30, 317-347, 2014
Offending and racial and ethnic disparities in criminal justice: A conceptual framework for guiding theory and research and informing policy
DP Mears, JC Cochran, AM Lindsey
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 32 (1), 78-103, 2016
Solitary confinement as punishment: Examining in-prison sanctioning disparities
JC Cochran, EL Toman, DP Mears, WD Bales
Justice Quarterly 35 (3), 381-411, 2018
Social exclusion and parental incarceration impacts on adolescents' networks and school engagement
JC Cochran, SE Siennick, DP Mears
Journal of Marriage and Family 80 (2), 478-498, 2018
Gender differences in the effects of prison on recidivism
DP Mears, JC Cochran, WD Bales
Journal of Criminal Justice 40 (5), 370-378, 2012
The path of least desistance: Inmate compliance and recidivism
JC Cochran, DP Mears
Justice Quarterly 34 (3), 431-458, 2017
The gender gap in sex offender punishment
RT Shields, JC Cochran
Journal of quantitative criminology 36 (1), 95-118, 2020
The “true” juvenile offender: Age effects and juvenile court sanctioning
DP Mears, JC Cochran, BJ Stults, SJ Greenman, AS Bhati, MA Greenwald
Criminology 52 (2), 169-194, 2014
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مقالات 1–20