Dr. S. Pradeep
Dr. S. Pradeep
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Characterization and properties of natural fiber polymer composites: A comprehensive review
MR Sanjay, P Madhu, M Jawaid, P Senthamaraikannan, S Senthil, ...
Journal of Cleaner production 172, 566-581, 2018
A review on synthesis and characterization of commercially available natural fibers: Part-I
P Madhu, MR Sanjay, P Senthamaraikannan, S Pradeep, ...
Journal of Natural Fibers, 2019
Potential of natural/synthetic hybrid composites for aerospace applications
M Puttegowda, SM Rangappa, M Jawaid, P Shivanna, Y Basavegowda, ...
Sustainable composites for aerospace applications, 315-351, 2018
Characterization of cellulosic fibre from Phoenix pusilla leaves as potential reinforcement for polymeric composites
P Madhu, MR Sanjay, S Pradeep, KS Bhat, B Yogesha, S Siengchin
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 8 (3), 2597-2604, 2019
Effect of Various Chemical Treatments of Prosopis juliflora Fibers as Composite Reinforcement: Physicochemical, Thermal, Mechanical, and Morphological …
P Madhu, MR Sanjay, P Senthamaraikannan, S Pradeep, S Siengchin, ...
Journal of Natural Fibers 17 (6), 833-844, 2020
Synergizing Artificial Intelligence, 5G, and Cloud Computing for Efficient Energy Conversion Using Agricultural Waste
AV Agrawal, G Shashibhushan, S Pradeep, SN Padhi, D Sugumar, ...
Sustainable Science and Intelligent Technologies for Societal Development …, 2023
Multipass friction-stir processing and its effect on mechanical properties of aluminum alloy 5086
KN Ramesh, S Pradeep, V Pancholi
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, 4311-4319, 2012
Effect of microstructural inhomogeneity on superplastic behaviour of multipass friction stir processed aluminium alloy
S Pradeep, V Pancholi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 561, 78-87, 2013
Experimental investigation on the mechanical and morphological behavior of Prosopis juliflora bark fibers/E‐glass/carbon fabrics reinforced hybrid polymeric …
P Madhu, S Mavinkere Rangappa, A Khan, A Al Otaibi, SA Al‐Zahrani, ...
Polymer Composites 41 (12), 4983-4993, 2020
B. Y s,―A rvw sy tss rtrzt ryv tur fibers: Part-I,‖
P Madhu, MR Sanjay, P Senthamaraikannan, S Pradeep, ...
J. Nat. Fibers 16 (8), 1132-1144, 2019
Effect of boron nitride and zirconium dioxide on mechanical behavior of Al7075 metal matrix hybrid composite
B Kuldeep, KP Ravikumar, S Pradeep, KR Gopi
Materials Research Express 6 (3), 036509, 2018
Hybrid effect of PJFs/E-glass/carbon fabric reinforced hybrid epoxy composites for structural applications
P Madhu, MR Sanjay, A Khan, AA Otaibi, SA Al-Zahrani, S Pradeep, ...
Journal of Natural Fibers 19 (10), 3742-3752, 2022
Development of banana fabric incorporated polymer composites for printed circuit board application
KN Bharath, M Puttegowda, TG Yashas Gowda, GR Arpitha, S Pradeep, ...
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 14 (11), 12599-12612, 2024
Gastric volvulus in children: experience of 6 years at a tertiary care centre
M Joshi, S Parelkar, B Sanghvi, A Agrawal, P Mishra, SH Pradeep
African Journal of Paediatric Surgery 7 (1), 2-4, 2010
Effect of hexagonal boron nitrate on microstructure and mechanical behavior of Al7075 metal matrix composite producing by stir casting technique
B Kuldeep, KP Ravikumar, S Pradeep
Int. J. Eng. Trans. A Basics 32, 1017-1022, 2019
Studies on mechanical properties of bamboo/carbon fiber reinforced epoxy hybrid composites filled with SiC particulates
J Praveenkumara, P Madhu, TG Yashas Gowda, S Pradeep
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science 6 (5), 43-50, 2018
Superplastic forming of multipass friction stir processed aluminum-magnesium alloy
S Pradeep, V Pancholi
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 6207-6216, 2014
Characterization of raw and alkali treated prosopis juliflora fibers for potential polymer composite reinforcement
P Madhu, S Pradeep, MR Sanjay, S Siengchin
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 653 (1), 012016, 2019
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of friction stir processed 5086 aluminum alloy
S Pradeep, SK Sharma, V Pancholi
Materials Science Forum 710, 253-257, 2012
Investigation of mechanical properties of ECAP processed AL7068 aluminium alloy
BS Shivashankara, KR Gopi, S Pradeep, RR Rao
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1189 (1), 012027, 2021
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مقالات 1–20