Shahrokh Asadi
Shahrokh Asadi
Associate Professor, University of Tehran
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A comprehensive data level analysis for cancer diagnosis on imbalanced data
S Fotouhi, S Asadi, MW Kattan
Journal of biomedical informatics 90, 2019
Hybridization of evolutionary Levenberg–Marquardt neural networks and data pre-processing for stock market prediction
S Asadi, E Hadavandi, F Mehmanpazir, MM Nakhostin
Knowledge-Based Systems 35, 245-258, 2012
A new hybrid artificial neural networks for rainfall–runoff process modeling
S Asadi, J Shahrabi, P Abbaszadeh, S Tabanmehr
Neurocomputing 121 (9), 470-480, 2013
Developing a hybrid intelligent model for forecasting problems: Case study of tourism demand time series.
J Shahrabi, E Hadavandi, S Asadi
Knowledge-Based Systems 43, 112-122, 2013
Flash flood susceptibility mapping using a novel deep learning model based on deep belief network, back propagation and genetic algorithm
H Shahabi, A Shirzadi, S Ronoud, S Asadi, BT Pham, F Mansouripour, ...
Geoscience Frontiers, 2021
Random forest swarm optimization-based for heart diseases diagnosis
S Asadi, E Roshan, MW Kattan
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2021
Improvement of Bagging performance for classification of imbalanced datasets using evolutionary multi-objective optimization
E Roshan, S Asadi
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 87, 1-19, 2020
Can deep learning algorithms outperform benchmark machine learning algorithms in flood susceptibility modeling?
BT Pham, C Luu, T Van Phong, PT Trinh, A Shirzadi, S Renoud, S Asadi, ...
Journal of Hydrology, 125615, 2021
An evolutionary deep belief network extreme learning-based for breast cancer diagnosis
S Ronoud, S Asadi
Soft Computing 23 (24), 13139–13159, 2019
Development of a Reinforcement Learning-based Evolutionary Fuzzy Rule-Based System for Diabetes Diagnosis
F Mansouripour, S Asadi
Computers in Biology and Medicine 91, 337-352, 2017
A new hybrid for improvement of auto-regressive integrated moving average models applying particle swarm optimization
S Asadi, A Tavakoli, SR Hejazi
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (5), 5332-5337, 2012
EMDID: Evolutionary Multi-Objective Discretization for Imbalanced Datasets
MH Tahan, S Asadi
Information Sciences 432, 442–461, 2018
MEMOD: a novel multivariate evolutionary multi-objective discretization
MH Tahan, S Asadi
Soft Computimg 22 (1), 301–323, 2018
A novel ensemble learning based on Bayesian Belief Network coupled with an extreme learning machine for flash flood susceptibility mapping
A Shirzadi, S Asadi, H Shahabi, S Ronoud, JJ Clague, K Khosravi, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 96, 103971, 2020
An empowered adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system using self-organizing map clustering to predict mass transfer kinetics in deep-fat frying of ostrich meat plates
MR Amiryousefi, M Mohebbi, F Khodaiyan, S Asadi
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 76 (1), 89-95, 2011
ACORI: a novel ACO algorithm for Rule Induction
S Asadi, J Shahrabi
Knowledge-Based Systems 97, 175–187, 2016
An efficient grouping genetic algorithm for data clustering and big data analysis
SH Razavi, EOM Ebadati, S Asadi, H Kaur
Computational Intelligence for Big Data Analysis: Frontier Advances and …, 2015
Evolutionary fuzzification of RIPPER for regression: Case study of stock prediction
S Asadi
Neurocomputing 331, 121-137, 2019
Development of an Evolutionary Fuzzy Expert System for Estimating Future Behavior of Stock Price
F Mehmanpazir, S Asadi
Journal of Industrial Engineering International 13 (1), 29–46, 2017
RipMC: RIPPER for Multiclass Classification
S Asadi, J Shahrabi
Neurocomputing 191, 19–33, 2016
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مقالات 1–20