Univ. Grenoble Alpes - Institut Néel - CNRS
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Diamond power devices: state of the art, modelling, figures of merit and future perspective
N Donato, N Rouger, J Pernot, G Longobardi, F Udrea
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (9), 093001, 2019
Metal-insulator transition and superconductivity in boron-doped diamond
T Klein, P Achatz, J Kacmarcik, C Marcenat, F Gustafsson, J Marcus, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (16), 165313, 2007
Hall hole mobility in boron-doped homoepitaxial diamond
J Pernot, PN Volpe, F Omnès, P Muret, V Mortet, K Haenen, T Teraji
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (20), 205203, 2010
High hole mobility in boron doped diamond for power device applications
PN Volpe, J Pernot, P Muret, F Omnès
Applied Physics Letters 94 (9), 2009
Zr/oxidized diamond interface for high power Schottky diodes
A Traoré, P Muret, A Fiori, D Eon, E Gheeraert, J Pernot
Applied Physics Letters 104 (5), 2014
Power electronics device applications of diamond semiconductors
S Koizumi, H Umezawa, J Pernot, M Suzuki
Woodhead publishing, 2018
Extreme dielectric strength in boron doped homoepitaxial diamond
PN Volpe, P Muret, J Pernot, F Omnès, T Teraji, Y Koide, F Jomard, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (22), 2010
Electrical transport in n-type 4H silicon carbide
J Pernot, W Zawadzki, S Contreras, JL Robert, E Neyret, L Di Cioccio
Journal of Applied Physics 90 (4), 1869-1878, 2001
Electrical transport properties of aluminum-implanted 4H–SiC
J Pernot, S Contreras, J Camassel
Journal of applied physics 98 (2), 2005
Direct imaging of p–n junction in core–shell GaN wires
P Tchoulfian, F Donatini, F Levy, A Dussaigne, P Ferret, J Pernot
Nano letters 14 (6), 3491-3498, 2014
Si donor incorporation in GaN nanowires
Z Fang, E Robin, E Rozas-Jiménez, A Cros, F Donatini, N Mollard, ...
Nano letters 15 (10), 6794-6801, 2015
Hall electron mobility in diamond
J Pernot, C Tavares, E Gheeraert, E Bustarret, M Katagiri, S Koizumi
Applied physics letters 89 (12), 2006
Activation of aluminum implanted at high doses in 4H–SiC
JM Bluet, J Pernot, J Camassel, S Contreras, JL Robert, JF Michaud, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 88 (4), 1971-1977, 2000
Ultrawide bandgap semiconductors
M Higashiwaki, R Kaplar, J Pernot, H Zhao
Applied Physics Letters 118 (20), 2021
Free electron density and mobility in high-quality 4H–SiC
J Pernot, S Contreras, J Camassel, JL Robert, W Zawadzki, E Neyret, ...
Applied Physics Letters 77 (26), 4359-4361, 2000
Electron mobility in phosphorous doped {111} homoepitaxial diamond
J Pernot, S Koizumi
Applied Physics Letters 93 (5), 2008
Metal oxide semiconductor structure using oxygen-terminated diamond
G Chicot, A Maréchal, R Motte, P Muret, E Gheeraert, J Pernot
Applied Physics Letters 102 (24), 2013
High breakdown voltage Schottky diodes synthesized on p‐type CVD diamond layer
PN Volpe, P Muret, J Pernot, F Omnès, T Teraji, F Jomard, D Planson, ...
physica status solidi (a) 207 (9), 2088-2092, 2010
Deep-depletion mode boron-doped monocrystalline diamond metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor
TT Pham, J Pernot, G Perez, D Eon, E Gheeraert, N Rouger
IEEE Electron Device Letters 38 (11), 1571-1574, 2017
Deep depletion concept for diamond MOSFET
TT Pham, N Rouger, C Masante, G Chicot, F Udrea, D Eon, E Gheeraert, ...
Applied Physics Letters 111 (17), 2017
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مقالات 1–20