Jerry Maroulis
Jerry Maroulis
Team Leader, Educational Design, University of Wollongong
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Soil conservation through sediment trapping: a review
M Mekonnen, SD Keesstra, L Stroosnijder, JEM Baartman, J Maroulis
Land degradation & development 26 (6), 544-556, 2015
Anastomosing river sedimentation in the Channel Country of central Australia
MR Gibling, GC Nanson, JC MAROULIS
Sedimentology 45 (3), 595-619, 1998
Healthy soils: a prerequisite for sustainable food security
RV Rojas, M Achouri, J Maroulis, L Caon
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-10, 2016
A conceptual connectivity framework for understanding geomorphic change in human-impacted fluvial systems
RE Poeppl, SD Keesstra, J Maroulis
Geomorphology 277, 237-250, 2017
Alluvial evidence for major climate and flow regime changes during the middle and late Quaternary in eastern central Australia
GC Nanson, DM Price, BG Jones, JC Maroulis, M Coleman, H Bowman, ...
Geomorphology 101 (1-2), 109-129, 2008
Aeolian–fluvial interaction and climate change: source-bordering dune development over the past∼ 100 ka on Cooper Creek, central Australia
JC Maroulis, GC Nanson, DM Price, T Pietsch
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (3-4), 386-404, 2007
Reducing sediment connectivity through man‐made and natural sediment sinks in the Minizr catchment, Northwest Ethiopia
M Mekonnen, SD Keesstra, JEM Baartman, L Stroosnijder, J Maroulis
Land degradation & development 28 (2), 708-717, 2017
Energy and water tradeoffs in enhancing food security: A selective international assessment
S Mushtaq, TN Maraseni, J Maroulis, M Hafeez
Energy policy 37 (9), 3635-3644, 2009
Spatio-temporal variability in accretion and erosion of coastal foredunes in the Netherlands: regional climate and local topography
JGS Keijsers, A Poortinga, MJPM Riksen, J Maroulis
PloS one 9 (3), e91115, 2014
Freshwater recharge into a shallow saline groundwater system, Cooper Creek floodplain, Queensland, Australia
DI Cendón, JR Larsen, BG Jones, GC Nanson, D Rickleman, SI Hankin, ...
Journal of Hydrology 392 (3-4), 150-163, 2010
Greenhouse gas emissions from rice farming inputs: a cross-country assessment
TN Maraseni, S Mushtaq, J Maroulis
The Journal of Agricultural Science 147 (2), 117-126, 2009
The influence of fire history, plant species and post-fire management on soil water repellency in a Mediterranean catchment: the Mount Carmel range, Israel
S Keesstra, L Wittenberg, J Maroulis, F Sambalino, D Malkinson, A Cerdà, ...
Catena 149, 857-866, 2017
Bedload transport of aggregated muddy alluvium from Cooper Creek, central Australia: a flume study
JC Maroulis, GC Nanson
Sedimentology 43 (5), 771-790, 1996
An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from the Australian vegetables industry
TN Maraseni, G Cockfield, J Maroulis, G Chen
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B 45 (6), 578-588, 2010
Effects of controlled fire on hydrology and erosion under simulated rainfall
SD Keesstra, J Maroulis, E Argaman, A Voogt, L Wittenberg
Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 40 (2), 269-294, 2014
Assessing riparian zone impacts on water and sediment movement: a new approach
SD Keesstra, E Kondrlova, A Czajka, M Seeger, J Maroulis
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 91 (1-2), 245-255, 2012
An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions: implications for the Australian cotton industry
TN Maraseni, G Cockfield, J Maroulis
The Journal of Agricultural Science 148 (5), 501-510, 2010
Projected impact of climate change on hydrological regimes in the Philippines
PLM Tolentino, A Poortinga, H Kanamaru, S Keesstra, J Maroulis, ...
Plos one 11 (10), e0163941, 2016
Distinguishing the impacts of human activities and climate variability on runoff and sediment load change based on paired periods with similar weather conditions: a case in the …
F Wang, R Hessel, X Mu, J Maroulis, G Zhao, V Geissen, C Ritsema
Journal of Hydrology 527, 884-893, 2015
Piggery: from environmental pollution to a climate change solution
TN Maraseni, J Maroulis
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B 43 (4), 358-363, 2008
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مقالات 1–20