Emma Johansson
Emma Johansson
Post Doc
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Loss and damage from climate change: A new climate justice agenda
E Boyd, BC Chaffin, K Dorkenoo, G Jackson, L Harrington, A N'guetta, ...
One Earth 4 (10), 1365-1370, 2021
Green and blue water demand from large-scale land acquisitions in Africa
EL Johansson, M Fader, JW Seaquist, KA Nicholas
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (41), 11471-11476, 2016
Local perceptions of land-use change: using participatory art to reveal direct and indirect socioenvironmental effects of land acquisitions in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania
EL Johansson, E Isgren
Ecology and Society 22 (1), 2017
Architecture of the global land acquisition system: applying the tools of network science to identify key vulnerabilities
JW Seaquist, EL Johansson, KA Nicholas
Environmental Research Letters 9 (11), 114006, 2014
Harnessing local knowledge for scientific knowledge production
J Persson, EL Johansson, L Olsson
Ecology and Society 23 (4), 2018
Mapping and quantifying perceptions of environmental change in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania
EL Johansson, AM Abdi
Ambio 49 (2), 557-568, 2020
Participatory futures thinking in the African context of sustainability challenges and socio-environmental change.
EL Johansson
Ecology & Society 26 (4), 2021
Envisioning sustainable carbon sequestration in Swedish farmland
EL Johansson, S Brogaard, L Brodin
Environmental Science & Policy 135, 16-25, 2022
Foreign demand for agricultural commodities drives virtual carbon exports from Cambodia
E Johansson, S Olin, J Seaquist
Environmental Research Letters 15 (6), 064034, 2020
Toolbox: operationalising telecoupling with network analysis
JW Seaquist, EL Johansson
Telecoupling: exploring land-use change in a globalised world, 199-211, 2019
Participatory future visions of collaborative agroecological farmer-pastoralist systems in Tanzania
E Johansson, R Martin, KM Mapunda
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 47 (4), 548-578, 2023
A multi-scale analysis of biofuel-related land acquisitions in Tanzania: With focus on Sweden as an investor
E Johansson
Student thesis series INES, 2013
The melting Himalayas: examples of water harvesting techniques
E Johansson
Student thesis series INES, 2012
Large-Scale Land Acquisitions as a Driver of Socio-Environmental Change: From the Pixel to the Globe
E Johansson
Climate vulnerability of agroecological and conventional smallholders in Mvomero district, Tanzania: using mixed-methods to uncover local experiences and motivations of farming …
E Johansson, R Martin, K Mapunda
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 8, 1423861, 2024
Virtual water exported from Californian agriculture
KA Nicholas, EL Johansson
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, GC13C-1156, 2015
Large-Scale Land Acquisitions as a Driver of Socio-Environmental Change
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–17