Alen Dzidic
Alen Dzidic
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Coping capacity of dairy cows during the change from conventional to automatic milking
D Weiss, S Helmreich, E Mostl, A Dzidic, RM Bruckmaier
Journal of Animal Science 82 (2), 563-570, 2004
Effects of cleaning duration and water temperature on oxytocin release and milk removal in an automatic milking system
A Dzidic, J Macuhova, RM Bruckmaier
Journal of dairy science 87 (12), 4163-4169, 2004
Machine milking of Istrian dairy crossbreed ewes: udder morphology and milking characteristics
A Dzidic, M Kaps, RM Bruckmaier
Small Ruminant Research 55 (1-3), 183-189, 2004
Oxytocin release, milk ejection and milking characteristics in a single stall automatic milking system
A Dzidic, D Weiss, RM Bruckmaier
Livestock Production Science 86 (1-3), 61-68, 2004
Effect of stimulation intensity on oxytocin release before, during and after machine milking
D Weiss, A Dzidic, RM Bruckmaier
Journal of Dairy Research 70 (3), 349-354, 2003
Validation of simulation model for robotic milking barn design
I Halachmi, A Dzidic, JHM Metz, L Speelman, AA Dijkhuizen, ...
European Journal of Operational Research 134 (3), 677-688, 2001
Genetic diversity and differentiation of 12 eastern Adriatic and western Dinaric native sheep breeds using microsatellites
D Salamon, B Gutierrez-Gil, JJ Arranz, J Barreta, V Batinic, A Dzidic
Animal 8 (2), 200-207, 2014
Milking routines and cluster detachment levels in small ruminants
A Dzidic, M Rovai, JL Poulet, M Leclerc, PG Marnet
Animal 13 (S1), s86-s93, 2019
The effects of incomplete milking and increased milking frequency on milk production rate and milk composition
JM Kuehnl, MK Connelly, A Dzidic, M Lauber, HP Fricke, M Klister, ...
Journal of animal science 97 (6), 2424-2432, 2019
Laktacija i strojna mužnja
A Džidić
Microsatellite based genetic structure of regional transboundary Istrian sheep breed populations in Croatia and Slovenia.
D Salamon, B Gutierrez-Gil, M Simcic, D Kompan, A Dzidic
Dairy/Mljekarstvo 65 (1), 2015
The effect of prestimulation on milking characteristics during machine milking of goat
Z Bašić, A Džidić, A Kostelić
Mljekarstvo 59 (2), 83, 2009
Relationship between udder and milking traits during lactation in Istrian dairy crossbreed ewes
A Dzidic, D Salamon, A Kaic, K Salajpal, M Kaps
Italian journal of animal science 8 (sup3), 154-156, 2009
Oxytocin release and milk removal in machine-milked mares.
A Dzidic, L Knopf, RM Bruckmaier
Towards digital innovation: stakeholder interactions in agricultural data ecosystem in Croatia
L Hrustek, M Tomičić Furjan, F Varga, A Džidić, B van Loenen, D Šalamon
Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems: INDECS 20 (2), 491-499, 2022
Preliminary study on the genetic diversity of the Istrian sheep, Lika and Krk pramenka sheep populations using microsatellite markers
D Salamon, B Gutierrez-Gil, A Kostelic, G Gorjanc, D Kompan, A Dzidic
Acta Agriculturae Slovenica 100 (3), 125-129, 2012
Physiology of lactation and machine milking
A Džidić
Mljekarstvo: časopis za unaprjeđenje proizvodnje i prerade mlijeka 49 (3 …, 1999
Studies on milk ejection and milk removal during machine milking in different species
A Dzidic
Technische Universität München, 2004
Kernel properties related to carotenoid release during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion in commercial dent maize hybrids
D Zurak, V Gunjević, D Grbeša, Z Svečnjak, Z Kralik, M Košević, A Džidić, ...
Food chemistry 435, 137535, 2024
Once daily milking in Lacaune dairy ewes: synthesis of a five year study conducted in France.
P Hassoun, C Allain, PG Marnet, E Gonzalez-Garcia, H Larroque, ...
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مقالات 1–20