Neeltje J. Boogert
Neeltje J. Boogert
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow, University of Exeter
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The evolution of self-control
EL MacLean, B Hare, CL Nunn, E Addessi, F Amici, RC Anderson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (20), E2140-E2148, 2014
Social learning strategies: Bridge-building between fields
RL Kendal, NJ Boogert, L Rendell, KN Laland, M Webster, PL Jones
Trends in cognitive sciences 22 (7), 651-665, 2018
Consistent individual differences drive collective behavior and group functioning of schooling fish
JW Jolles, NJ Boogert, VH Sridhar, ID Couzin, A Manica
Current Biology 27 (18), 2862-2868. e7, 2017
Song repertoire size in male song sparrows correlates with detour reaching, but not with other cognitive measures
NJ Boogert, RC Anderson, S Peters, WA Searcy, S Nowicki
Animal Behaviour 81 (6), 1209-1216, 2011
Technical innovations drive the relationship between innovativeness and residual brain size in birds
SE Overington, J Morand-Ferron, NJ Boogert, L Lefebvre
Animal Behaviour 78 (4), 1001-1010, 2009
Measuring and understanding individual differences in cognition
NJ Boogert, JR Madden, J Morand-Ferron, A Thornton
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 …, 2018
The relation between social rank, neophobia and individual learning in starlings
NJ Boogert, SM Reader, KN Laland
Animal Behaviour 72 (6), 1229-1239, 2006
Detecting social transmission in networks
W Hoppitt, NJ Boogert, KN Laland
Journal of Theoretical Biology 263 (4), 544-555, 2010
Song complexity correlates with learning ability in zebra finch males
NJ Boogert, LA Giraldeau, L Lefebvre
Animal Behaviour 76 (5), 1735-1741, 2008
Problem-solving performance is correlated with reproductive success in a wild bird population
L Cauchard, NJ Boogert, L Lefebvre, F Dubois, B Doligez
Animal Behaviour 85 (1), 19-26, 2013
Mate choice for cognitive traits: a review of the evidence in nonhuman vertebrates
NJ Boogert, TW Fawcett, L Lefebvre
Behavioral Ecology 22 (3), 447-459, 2011
Wild psychometrics: evidence for ‘general’cognitive performance in wild New Zealand robins, Petroica longipes
RC Shaw, NJ Boogert, NS Clayton, KC Burns
Animal Behaviour 109, 101-111, 2015
The origin and spread of innovations in starlings
NJ Boogert, SM Reader, W Hoppitt, KN Laland
Animal Behaviour 75 (4), 1509-1518, 2008
The implications of niche construction and ecosystem engineering for conservation biology
NJ Boogert, DM Paterson, KN Laland
BioScience 56 (7), 570-578, 2006
Early-life stress triggers juvenile zebra finches to switch social learning strategies
DR Farine, KA Spencer, NJ Boogert
Current Biology 25 (16), 2184-2188, 2015
Developmental stress predicts social network position
NJ Boogert, DR Farine, KA Spencer
Biology Letters 10 (10), 20140561, 2014
Beyond brain size
CJ Logan, S Avin, N Boogert, A Buskell, FR Cross, A Currie, S Jelbert, ...
BioRxiv, 145334, 2017
Developmental programming: cumulative effects of increased pre-hatching corticosterone levels and post-hatching unpredictable food availability on physiology and behaviour in …
C Zimmer, NJ Boogert, KA Spencer
Hormones and behavior 64 (3), 494-500, 2013
Climatic patterns predict the elaboration of song displays in mockingbirds
CA Botero, NJ Boogert, SL Vehrencamp, IJ Lovette
Current Biology 19 (13), 1151-1155, 2009
Personality, plasticity and predictability in sticklebacks: bold fish are less plastic and more predictable than shy fish
JW Jolles, HD Briggs, YG Araya-Ajoy, NJ Boogert
Animal Behaviour 154, 193-202, 2019
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مقالات 1–20