Martin Sauter
Martin Sauter
LIAG-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A new spatial multi-criteria decision support tool for site selection for implementation of managed aquifer recharge
MA Rahman, B Rusteberg, RC Gogu, JPL Ferreira, M Sauter
Journal of environmental management 99, 61-75, 2012
Simulation of the development of karst aquifers using a coupled continuum pipe flow model
R Liedl, M Sauter, D Hückinghaus, T Clemens, G Teutsch
Water Resources Research 39 (3), 2003
Flow and transport in fractured porous media
P Dietrich, R Helmig, M Sauter, H Hötzl, J Köngeter, G Teutsch
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005
Development of a multi-residue analytical method, based on liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, for the simultaneous determination of 46 micro-contaminants in …
K Nödler, T Licha, K Bester, M Sauter
Journal of Chromatography A 1217 (42), 6511-6521, 2010
Quantification and forecasting of regional groundwater flow and transport in a karst aquifer (Gallusquelle, Malm, SW. Germany)
M Sauter
Universität Tübingen, 1992
Multitracer test approach to characterize reactive transport in karst aquifers
T Geyer, S Birk, T Licha, R Liedl, M Sauter
Groundwater 45 (1), 36-45, 2007
Hydraulic fracturing in unconventional gas reservoirs: Risks in the geological system, part 2: Modelling the transport of fracturing fluids, brine and methane
A Kissinger, R Helmig, A Ebigbo, H Class, T Lange, M Sauter, M Heitfeld, ...
Environmental earth sciences 70, 3855-3873, 2013
Quantification of temporal distribution of recharge in karst systems from spring hydrographs
T Geyer, S Birk, R Liedl, M Sauter
Journal of hydrology 348 (3-4), 452-463, 2008
Microbial and chemical characterization of underwater fresh water springs in the Dead Sea
D Ionescu, C Siebert, L Polerecky, YY Munwes, C Lott, S Häusler, ...
PloS one 7 (6), e38319, 2012
Identification of localised recharge and conduit flow by combined analysis of hydraulic and physico-chemical spring responses (Urenbrunnen, SW-Germany)
S Birk, R Liedl, M Sauter
Journal of hydrology 286 (1-4), 179-193, 2004
Modeling of karst aquifer genesis: Influence of exchange flow
S Bauer, R Liedl, M Sauter
Water Resources Research 39 (10), 2003
Caffeine as an indicator for the quantification of untreated wastewater in karst systems
O Hillebrand, K Nödler, T Licha, M Sauter, T Geyer
Water research 46 (2), 395-402, 2012
A review on challenges in the assessment of geomechanical rock performance for deep geothermal reservoir development
I Tomac, M Sauter
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82, 3972-3980, 2018
A combined continuum and discrete network reactive transport model for the simulation of karst development
T Clemens, D Hückinghaus, M Sauter, R Liedl, G Teutsch
IAHS PUBLICATION, 309-320, 1996
Groundwater modeling in karst terranes: Scale effects, data acquisition and field validation
G Teutsch, M Sauter
Third conference on hydrogeology, ecology, monitoring, and management of …, 1991
Simulation of flow processes in a large scale karst system with an integrated catchment model (Mike She)–Identification of relevant parameters influencing spring discharge
J Doummar, M Sauter, T Geyer
Journal of Hydrology 426, 112-123, 2012
Process‐based interpretation of tracer tests in carbonate aquifers
S Birk, T Geyer, R Liedl, M Sauter
Groundwater 43 (3), 381-388, 2005
Karst spring responses examined by process‐based modeling
S Birk, R Liedl, M Sauter
Groundwater 44 (6), 832-836, 2006
Testing the suitability of zerovalent iron materials for reactive walls
C Noubactep, G Meinrath, P Dietrich, M Sauter, BJ Merkel
Environmental Chemistry 2 (1), 71-76, 2005
Occurrence and spatial distribution of organic micro-pollutants in a complex hydrogeological karst system during low flow and high flow periods, results of a two-year study
R Reh, T Licha, T Geyer, K Nödler, M Sauter
Science of the total environment 443, 438-445, 2013
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مقالات 1–20