High levels of nitryl chloride in the polluted subtropical marine boundary layer HD Osthoff, JM Roberts, AR Ravishankara, EJ Williams, BM Lerner, ... Nature Geoscience 1 (5), 324-328, 2008 | 451 | 2008 |
Rate coefficients for the reactions of hydroxyl radicals with methane and deuterated methanes T Gierczak, RK Talukdar, SC Herndon, GL Vaghjiani, AR Ravishankara The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 101 (17), 3125-3134, 1997 | 178 | 1997 |
Investigation of the loss processes for peroxyacetyl nitrate in the atmosphere: UV photolysis and reaction with OH RK Talukdar, JB Burkholder, AM Schmoltner, JM Roberts, RR Wilson, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 100 (D7), 14163-14173, 1995 | 173 | 1995 |
Atmospheric lifetimes and ozone depletion potentials of methyl bromide (CH3Br) and dibromomethane (CH2Br2) A Mellouki, RK Talukdar, AM Schmoltner, T Gierczak, MJ Mills, S Solomon, ... Geophysical research letters 19 (20), 2059-2062, 1992 | 159 | 1992 |
CF3CF´┐¢? CH2 and (Z)-CF3CF´┐¢? CHF: temperature dependent OH rate coefficients and global warming potentials V Papadimitriou, R Talukdar, RW Portmann, AR Ravishankara, ... PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS-CAMBRIDGE-ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY 10 …, 2008 | 151 | 2008 |
Reconsideration of the rate constant for the reaction of hydroxyl radicals with nitric acid SS Brown, RK Talukdar, AR Ravishankara The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103 (16), 3031-3037, 1999 | 150 | 1999 |
Rate constants for the reaction OH+ NO2+ M→ HNO3+ M under atmospheric conditions SS Brown, RK Talukdar, AR Ravishankara Chemical Physics Letters 299 (3-4), 277-284, 1999 | 148 | 1999 |
Reactive uptake of NO3 on pure water and ionic solutions Y Rudich, RK Talukdar, AR Ravishankara, RW Fox Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 101 (D15), 21023-21031, 1996 | 142 | 1996 |
Quantum yields of O (¹D) in the photolysis of ozone between 289 and 329 nm as a function of temperature RK Talukdar, CA Longfellow, MK Gilles, AR Ravishankara Geophysical Research Letters 25 (2), 143-146, 1998 | 138 | 1998 |
Temperature dependence of the NO3 absorption spectrum RJ Yokelson, JB Burkholder, RW Fox, RK Talukdar, AR Ravishankara The Journal of Physical Chemistry 98 (50), 13144-13150, 1994 | 136 | 1994 |
Atmospheric fate of methyl vinyl ketone and methacrolein T Gierczak, JB Burkholder, RK Talukdar, A Mellouki, SB Barone, ... Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 110 (1), 1-10, 1997 | 130 | 1997 |
Temperature dependence of the ozone absorption spectrum over the wavelength range 410 to 760 nm JB Burkholder, RK Talukdar Geophysical research letters 21 (7), 581-584, 1994 | 126 | 1994 |
Temperature dependence of the HNO3 UV absorption cross sections JB Burkholder, RK Talukdar, AR Ravishankara, S Solomon Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 98 (D12), 22937-22948, 1993 | 126 | 1993 |
Nocturnal loss and daytime source of nitrous acid through reactive uptake and displacement TC VandenBoer, CJ Young, RK Talukdar, MZ Markovic, SS Brown, ... Nature Geoscience 8 (1), 55-60, 2015 | 124 | 2015 |
Atmospheric fate of several alkyl nitrates Part 2UV absorption cross-sections and photodissociation quantum yields RK Talukdar, JB Burkholder, MK Gilles, JM Roberts Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 93 (16), 2797-2805, 1997 | 117 | 1997 |
Reactions of O(3P) with Alkyl Iodides: Rate Coefficients and Reaction Products MK Gilles, AA Turnipseed, RK Talukdar, Y Rudich, PW Villalta, LG Huey, ... The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (33), 14005-14015, 1996 | 108 | 1996 |
Oxidation of atmospheric reduced sulphur compounds: perspective from laboratory studies AR Ravishankara, Y Rudich, R Talukdar, SB Barone Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 1997 | 102 | 1997 |
Measurements of delays of gas-phase compounds in a wide variety of tubing materials due to gas–wall interactions BL Deming, D Pagonis, X Liu, DA Day, R Talukdar, JE Krechmer, ... Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 12 (6), 3453-3461, 2019 | 101 | 2019 |
Reaction of methylbutenol with the OH radical: Mechanism and atmospheric implications Y Rudich, R Talukdar, JB Burkholder, AR Ravishankara The Journal of Physical Chemistry 99 (32), 12188-12194, 1995 | 95 | 1995 |
Kinetics of hydroxyl radical reactions with isotopically labeled hydrogen RK Talukdar, T Gierczak, L Goldfarb, Y Rudich, BSM Rao, ... The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (8), 3037-3043, 1996 | 92 | 1996 |