Matteo Robiglio
Matteo Robiglio
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على polito.it - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Avventure urbane
M Sclavi, I Romano, S Guercio, A Pillon, M Robiglio, I Toussaint
Progettare la città con gli abitanti, 2002
Re-USA. 20 American stories of adaptive reuse
M Robiglio
jovis, 2017
Paesaggio e architettura nell'Italia contemporanea
G Durbiano, M Robiglio
Donzelli Editore, 2003
The adaptive reuse toolkit. How cities can turn their industrial legacy into infrastructure for innovation and growth
M Robiglio
German Marshall Fund of the US, 2016
Smart solutions for sustainable cities—The re-coding experience for harnessing the potential of urban rooftops
V Todeschi, G Mutani, L Baima, M Nigra, M Robiglio
Applied Sciences 10 (20), 7112, 2020
Periferie partecipate. Cinque casi di riqualificazione urbana a Torino (Italia)
S Guercio, M Robiglio, I Toussaint
Ciudades: Revista del Instituto Universitario de Urbanística de la …, 2004
La costruzione dell'ordinario: un atlante piemontese
S Giriodi, M Robiglio, M Mussini, S Boeri
Celid, 2001
The adaptive reuse toolkit
M Robiglio
How Cities Can Turn Their Industrial Legacy into Infrastructure for …, 2016
‘Re-coding’environmental regulation–a new simplified metric for daylighting verification during the window and indoor space design process
M Nigra, VRM Lo Verso, M Robiglio, A Pellegrino, M Martina
Architectural Engineering and Design Management 18 (4), 521-544, 2022
The transformative potential of ruins: A tool for a nonlinear design perspective in adaptive reuse
E Guidetti, M Robiglio
Sustainability 13 (10), 5660, 2021
Strategies for the sustainable reindustrialization of brownfields
E Canevaro, R Ingaramo, IM Lami, M Morena, M Robiglio, S Saponaro, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 296 (1), 012010, 2019
Can We Learn from Our Mistakes? Introduction/Lessons Learned from Implementing Two Programs to Develop More Infrastructure Projects in Asia/Who Does the Agent of Change …
H Campbell, J Forester, B Sanyal, K Anwar, C Brando, IJ Azis, M Robiglio, ...
Planning Theory & Practice 19 (3), 425-446, 2018
Planning and the Recession
L Bertolini, A Wenban-Smith, M Robiglio, B Williams, E van der Kooij, ...
Planning Theory & Practice 12 (3), 429-451, 2011
How to activate the value in existing stocks through adaptive reuse: An incremental architecture strategy
R Ingaramo, IM Lami, M Robiglio
Sustainability 14 (9), 5514, 2022
AdRem: An integrated approach for adaptive remediation
V Palma, F Accorsi, A Casasso, C Bianco, S Cutrì, M Robiglio, T Tosco
Sustainability 13 (1), 28, 2020
UrbanLab. Agent-Based Simulation of Urban and Regional Dynamics
L Caneparo, M Robiglio
Digital Design. Research and practice, 320-332, 2003
Adaptive Reuse. La bonifica appropriata, nel quadro di una strategia integrata di rigenerazione urbana o territoriale
M Robiglio
 Adaptive Reuse. Bonifiche e …, 2014
Disegnare paesaggi costruiti
A DE ROSSI, G Ambrosini, G Durbiano, L Reinerio, M Robiglio
Franco Angeli, 2003
Evolutionary automata for suburban form simulation
L Caneparo, M Robiglio
Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2001: Proceedings of the Ninth …, 2001
Adaptive reuse. Bonifiche e rigenerazione urbana. Nuove strategie per un mercato in evoluzione
M Robiglio, E Artigiani, L Manzone, JP Davit
Golder Associates, 2014
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20