Jaber Fallah Ardashir
Jaber Fallah Ardashir
أسماء أخرىJ.F.Ardashir, J.Fallah Ardashir
Assistant Professor,Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على iaut.ac.ir
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A single-phase transformerless inverter with charge pump circuit concept for grid-tied PV applications
JF Ardashir, M Sabahi, SH Hosseini, F Blaabjerg, E Babaei, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (7), 5403-5415, 2016
An attempt to improve output voltage quality of developed multi-level inverter topology by increasing the number of levels
SH Hosseini, K Varesi, JF Ardashir, AA Gandomi, S Saeidabadi
2015 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2015
An improved symmetric H-bridge multilevel converter topology; an attempt to reduce power losses
RS Alishah, SH Hosseini, E Babaei, M Sabahi, JF Ardashir
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 27 (12), 1850187, 2018
S4 grid-connected single-phase transformerless inverter for PV application
JF Ardashir, YP Siwakoti, M Sabahi, SH Hosseini, F Blaabjerg
IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2016
Optimal placement and sizing of energy-related devices in microgrids using grasshopper optimization algorithm
AA Ghavifekr, A Mohammadzadeh, JF Ardashir
2021 12th Power Electronics, Drive Systems, and Technologies Conference …, 2021
A step-up 5-level transformer-less switched capacitor inverter without leakage current for PV system application
JF Ardashir, HV Ghadim, AM Ogly, J Hu, S Peyghami
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 60 (1), 622-632, 2023
Fractional PR control of a grid tied flying capacitor inverter for PV applications
J Fallah Ardashir, A Mohammadpour Shotorbani, H Khoun-Jahan, ...
Journal of Energy Management and Technology 3 (2), 58-64, 2019
A five-level transformer-less grid-tied inverter structure with capacitive voltage divider concept with leakage current elimination
JF Ardashir, M Ghassemi, B Rozmeh, F Blaabjerg, S Peyghami
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 59 (5), 6025-6036, 2023
A PV based multilevel inverter with ultra-capacitor bank for microgrid applications
JF Ardashir, HV Ghadim
2021 11th Smart Grid Conference (SGC), 1-5, 2021
A grid connected transformerless inverter and its model predictive control strategy with leakage current elimination capability
JF Ardashir, M Sabahi, SH Hosseini, E Babaei, GB Gharehpetian
Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering 13 (2), 161, 2017
An Extendable Bidirectional High-Gain DC–DC Converter for Electric Vehicle Applications Equipped With IOFL Controller
T Sojoudi, M Sarhangzadeh, J Olamaei, JF Ardashir
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 38 (8), 9767-9779, 2023
A six-switch five-level transformer-less inverter without leakage current for grid-tied PV system
JF Ardashir, M Gasemi, B Rozmeh, S Peyghami, F Blaabjerg
2021 IEEE energy conversion congress and exposition (ECCE), 2550-2556, 2021
A symmetric switched-capacitor-based basic inverter unit for grid-connected pv systems
HK Jahan, M Sarhangzadeh, JF Ardashir, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (12), 15594-15604, 2022
A Novel Boost Fifteen-Level Asymmetrical Flying-Capacitor Inverter with Natural Balancing of Capacitor Voltages
JF Ardashir, B Rozmeh, M Gasemi, AM Shotorbani, AA Ghavifekr
2021 12th Power Electronics, Drive Systems, and Technologies Conference …, 2021
Flexible power electronic transformer for power flow control applications
J Fallah Ardeshir, A Ajami, A Jalilvand, A Mohammadpour
Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering 1 (2), 147-155, 2007
A novel five-level transformer-less inverter topology with common-ground for grid-tied PV applications
JF Ardashir, M Gasemi, S Peyghami, B Rozmeh, F Blaabjerg
2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'21 …, 2021
A novel step-up common ground five-level inverter with inherent balance of capacitors voltage
JF Ardashir, HV Ghadim, AM Ogly
2022 IEEE Kansas Power and Energy Conference (KPEC), 1-5, 2022
A thirteen-level flying capacitor based single-phase inverter with self-balancing capability
JF Ardashir, M Gasemi, B Rozmeh, S Peyghami, F Blaabjerg
2021 12th Power Electronics, Drive Systems, and Technologies Conference …, 2021
Introduction and literature review of cost-saving characteristics of multi-carrier energy networks
J Fallah Ardashir, H Vatankhah Ghadim
Planning and operation of multi-carrier energy networks, 1-37, 2021
Large-scale energy storages in joint energy and ancillary multimarkets
JF Ardashir, HV Ghadim
Energy storage in energy markets, 265-285, 2021
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مقالات 1–20