A ubiquitous tire rubber–derived chemical induces acute mortality in coho salmon Z Tian, H Zhao, KT Peter, M Gonzalez, J Wetzel, C Wu, X Hu, J Prat, ... Science 371 (6525), 185-189, 2021 | 1049 | 2021 |
Oxidation of antibacterial molecules by aqueous ozone: moiety-specific reaction kinetics and application to ozone-based wastewater treatment MC Dodd, MO Buffle, U Von Gunten Environmental science & technology 40 (6), 1969-1977, 2006 | 588 | 2006 |
Potential impacts of disinfection processes on elimination and deactivation of antibiotic resistance genes during water and wastewater treatment MC Dodd Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14 (7), 1754-1771, 2012 | 504 | 2012 |
Transformation of the antibacterial agent sulfamethoxazole in reactions with chlorine: kinetics, mechanisms, and pathways MC Dodd, CH Huang Environmental science & technology 38 (21), 5607-5615, 2004 | 410 | 2004 |
Photolytic and photocatalytic decomposition of aqueous ciprofloxacin: transformation products and residual antibacterial activity T Paul, MC Dodd, TJ Strathmann Water research 44 (10), 3121-3132, 2010 | 402 | 2010 |
Oxidation of antibacterial compounds by ozone and hydroxyl radical: elimination of biological activity during aqueous ozonation processes MC Dodd, HPE Kohler, U Von Gunten Environmental Science & Technology 43 (7), 2498-2504, 2009 | 321 | 2009 |
Interactions of fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents with aqueous chlorine: reaction kinetics, mechanisms, and transformation pathways MC Dodd, AD Shah, U von Gunten, CH Huang Environmental Science & Technology 39 (18), 7065-7076, 2005 | 299 | 2005 |
Sunlight-mediated inactivation of health-relevant microorganisms in water: a review of mechanisms and modeling approaches KL Nelson, AB Boehm, RJ Davies-Colley, MC Dodd, T Kohn, KG Linden, ... Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 20 (8), 1089-1122, 2018 | 287 | 2018 |
Inactivation efficiency of plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistance genes during water treatment with chlorine, UV, and UV/H2O2 Y Yoon, HJ Chung, DYW Di, MC Dodd, HG Hur, Y Lee Water Research 123, 783-793, 2017 | 258 | 2017 |
Kinetics and mechanistic aspects of As (III) oxidation by aqueous chlorine, chloramines, and ozone: relevance to drinking water treatment MC Dodd, ND Vu, A Ammann, VC Le, R Kissner, HV Pham, TH Cao, ... Environmental science & technology 40 (10), 3285-3292, 2006 | 212 | 2006 |
Kinetics of triclosan oxidation by aqueous ozone and consequent loss of antibacterial activity: relevance to municipal wastewater ozonation S Suarez, MC Dodd, F Omil, U von Gunten Water Research 41 (12), 2481-2490, 2007 | 198 | 2007 |
Degradation and deactivation of bacterial antibiotic resistance genes during exposure to free chlorine, monochloramine, chlorine dioxide, ozone, ultraviolet light, and hydroxyl … H He, P Zhou, KK Shimabuku, X Fang, S Li, Y Lee, MC Dodd Environmental science & technology 53 (4), 2013-2026, 2019 | 195 | 2019 |
Aqueous chlorination of the antibacterial agent trimethoprim: reaction kinetics and pathways MC Dodd, CH Huang Water Research 41 (3), 647-655, 2007 | 185 | 2007 |
Ferrate (VI) oxidation of β-lactam antibiotics: reaction kinetics, antibacterial activity changes, and transformation products A Karlesa, GAD De Vera, MC Dodd, J Park, MPB Espino, Y Lee Environmental science & technology 48 (17), 10380-10389, 2014 | 127 | 2014 |
Transformation of β-lactam antibacterial agents during aqueous ozonation: reaction pathways and quantitative bioassay of biologically-active oxidation products MC Dodd, D Rentsch, HP Singer, HPE Kohler, U von Gunten Environmental science & technology 44 (15), 5940-5948, 2010 | 126 | 2010 |
Sunlight-driven photochemical halogenation of dissolved organic matter in seawater: a natural abiotic source of organobromine and organoiodine JD Méndez-Díaz, KK Shimabuku, J Ma, ZO Enumah, JJ Pignatello, ... Environmental science & technology 48 (13), 7418-7427, 2014 | 104 | 2014 |
Ozonation of source-separated urine for resource recovery and waste minimization: process modeling, reaction chemistry, and operational considerations MC Dodd, S Zuleeg, U Gunten, W Pronk Environmental science & technology 42 (24), 9329-9337, 2008 | 99 | 2008 |
Enhanced Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores during Solar Photolysis of Free Available Chlorine JE Forsyth, P Zhou, Q Mao, SS Asato, JS Meschke, MC Dodd Environmental science & technology 47 (22), 12976-12984, 2013 | 98 | 2013 |
Transformation Product Formation upon Heterogeneous Ozonation of the Tire Rubber Antioxidant 6PPD (N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N′-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine) X Hu, HN Zhao, Z Tian, KT Peter, MC Dodd, EP Kolodziej Environmental Science & Technology Letters 9 (5), 413-419, 2022 | 97 | 2022 |
Elimination of transforming activity and gene degradation during UV and UV/H 2 O 2 treatment of plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistance genes Y Yoon, MC Dodd, Y Lee Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 4 (9), 1239-1251, 2018 | 81 | 2018 |