Luke Fiorini
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Reasons for presenteeism in nurses working in geriatric settings: A qualitative study
LA Fiorini, A Griffiths, J Houdmont
Journal of Hospital Administration 7 (4), 2018
Mixed methods research in the health sciences: a review
L Fiorini, A Griffiths, J Houdmont
Malta Journal of Health Sciences, 2016
Nurses' perceived work performance and health during presenteeism: Cross‐sectional associations with personal and organisational factors
LA Fiorini, J Houdmont, A Griffiths
Journal of nursing management 30 (5), O37-O45, 2022
Part-time adult students’ satisfaction with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
LA Fiorini, A Borg, M Debono
Journal of Adult and Continuing Education 28 (2), 354-377, 2022
Nurses’ illness perceptions during presenteeism and absenteeism
LA Fiorini, J Houdmont, A Griffiths
Occupational Medicine 70 (2), 101-106, 2020
Malta: Employment opportunities for people with chronic diseases
LA Fiorini
https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/publications/report/2014/malta-employment …, 2014
Remote work transition amidst COVID-19: Impacts on presenteeism, absenteeism, and worker well-being—A scoping review
B Nowrouzi-Kia, AM Haritos, BZS Long, C Atikian, LA Fiorini, B Gohar, ...
Plos one 19 (7), e0307087, 2024
Remote workers’ perceived health during the COVID-19 pandemic: an exploratory study of influencing factors in the IT and communications sector in Malta
LA Fiorini
Industrial health 61 (5), 342-356, 2023
The Development of Occupational Health and Safety in Malta
LA Fiorini, F La Ferla
M. Debono, & G. Baldacchino. Working life and the transformation of Malta …, 2021
Malta: Trade union resilience in a changing environment
M Debono, LA Fiorini
Trade Unions in Europe, 763-798, 2023
Remote workers’ reasons for changed levels of Absenteeism, Presenteeism and Working outside agreed hours during the COVID-19 pandemic
LA Fiorini
Sage Open 14 (1), 21582440241240636, 2024
Wellbeing, quality of life and rewards
LA Fiorini
in Baldacchino, G., Cassar, V., and Azzopardi, J.G. Malta and its Human …, 2019
The relationship between employee motivation and work performance in a manufacturing and retail foodservice organisation
LA Fiorini, D Sammut
Journal of Foodservice Business Research 27 (6), 930-950, 2024
The development of health and safety in Malta: the contribution of the Centre for Labour Studies, University of Malta
LA Fiorini, FME La Ferla
University of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies, 2023
Protecting employment and businesses in Malta during the first twelve months of COVID-19: a chronology of support measures
L Fiorini
University of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies, 2021
Work engagement among nurses in Malta: associations with psychosocial working conditions
LA Fiorini, A Griffiths, J Houdmont
Malta Journal of Health Sciences 8 (1), 30-38, 2021
Understanding and managing absenteeism: A practical approach
LA Fiorini
Centre for Labour Studies Biennial Report 2018, 29-35, 2019
Musculoskeletal pain among teleworkers: Frequency and associated factors
LA Fiorini
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 33 (5 …, 2023
Awareness of computer workers towards work related upper extremity symptoms
D Montebello
University of Malta, 2014
Hazardous noise exposure: is it an occupational or social risk?
O Armani
University of Malta, 2014
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20