Talari jayachandra prasad
Talari jayachandra prasad
Rajeev Gandhi Memorial college of Engineering and Technology
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على rgmcet.edu.in
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Implementation of SOBEL Edge Detection on FPGA
G Anusha, T Jayachandra Prasad
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 3 (3), 472-475, 2012
Performance evaluation of high speed compressors for high speed multipliers
R Nirlakalla, T SubbaRao, T Jayachandra Prasad
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering 8 (3), 293-306, 2011
Investigating the effect of chirality, oxide thickness, temperature and channel length variation on a threshold voltage of MOSFET, GNRFET, and CNTFET
C Venkataiah, VNV Satya-Prakash, T Jayachandra Prasad, ...
J. Mech. Continua Math. Sci., 2019
A novel low power, low area array multiplier design for DSP applications
N Ravi, Y Subbaiah, T Jayachandra Prasad, T Subbarao
Signal Processing, Communication, Computing and Networking Technologies …, 2011
Investigation of optical and spectroscopic properties of neodymium doped oxyfluoro-titania-phosphate glasses for laser applications
G Neelima, KV Krishnaiah, N Ravi, K Tyagarajan, T Jayachandra Prasad, ...
Scripta Materialia 162, 246-250, 2019
An intelligent multimodal medical image fusion model based on improved fast discrete curvelet transform and type-2 fuzzy entropy
N Nagaraja Kumar, T Jayachandra Prasad, KS Prasad
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 25 (1), 96-117, 2023
Effect of interconnect parasitic variations on circuit performance parameters
C Venkataiah, K SatyaPrasad, T Jayachandra Prasad
Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), International Conference on, 1-4, 2016
Effect of Interconnect Parasitic Variations on Circuit Performance Parameters
C Venkataiah, K Satyaprasad, T Jayachandra Prasad
International Conference On Communication And Electronics System(ICCES-2016 …, 2016
Optical and spectroscopic properties of Ho3+-doped fluorophosphate glasses for visible lighting applications
T Jayachanda Prasad, G Neelima, N Ravi, N Kiran, NKR Nallabala, ...
Materials Research Bulletin 124, 110753, 2020
Deep learning approach for image denoising and image demosaicing
VN Satya Prakash, KS Prasad, T Jayachandra Prasad
Int. J. Comput. Appl 168 (9), 18-26, 2017
Fingerprint image denoising using curvelet transform
GJ Reddy, T Jayachandra Prasad, MNG Prasad
Proceedings of Asian Research Publishing Network Journal of Engineering and …, 2008
Analysis of Low Power and High Speed Phase Frequency Detectors for Phase Locked Loop Design
B Supraja, T Jayachandra Prasad, N Ravi
Procedia Computer Science 57, 1081-1087, 2015
Frequency domain filtering of colour images using quaternion Fourier transforms
BDV Reddy, T Jayachandra Prasad
IJCST 1 (2), 46-52, 2010
Singnal Integrity Analysis for Coupled SWCNT Interconnects using Stable Recursive Algorithm
C Venkataiah, K Satyaprasad, T Jayachandra Prasad
Microelectronics Journal 74, 13-23, 2018
A new design for array multiplier with trade off in power and area
R Nirlakalla, S Anchula, T Jayachandra Prasad, T Subbarao
arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.7258, 2011
Content-based medical image retrieval using a novel hybrid scattering coefficients-bag of visual words-DWT relevance fusion
R Varaprasada Rao, T Jayachandra Prasad
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (8), 11815-11841, 2021
Color image demosaicing using sparse based radial basis function network
VNVS Prakash, K Satyaprasad, T Jayachandra Prasad
Alexandria Engineering Journal 56 (4), 477-483, 2017
Performance Evaluation of Bypassing Array Multiplier with Optimized Design
N Ravi, TSubbarao, T Jayachandra Prasad
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975–8887) Volume, 2011
Multimodal medical image fusion with improved multi-objective meta-heuristic algorithm with fuzzy entropy
N Nagaraja Kumar, T Jayachandra Prasad, K Satya Prasad
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management 22 (01), 2250063, 2023
Optimal Pilot-Based Channel Estimation in Cognitive Radio
D Raghunatharao, T Jayachandra Prasad, MN Giri Prasad
Wireless Personal Communications 114 (4), 2801-2819, 2020
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مقالات 1–20