Sergei Sergeev
Sergei Sergeev
University of Birmingham, School of Mathematics
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على bham.ac.uk
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Generators, extremals and bases of max cones
P Butkovič, H Schneider
Linear algebra and its applications 421 (2-3), 394-406, 2007
On visualization scaling, subeigenvectors and Kleene stars in max algebra
H Schneider, P Butkovič
Linear Algebra and its Applications 431 (12), 2395-2406, 2009
Tropical linear-fractional programming and parametric mean payoff games
S Gaubert, RD Katz, S Sergeev
Journal of symbolic computation 47 (12), 1447-1478, 2012
Tropical and Idempotent Mathematics: International Workshop Tropical-07, Tropical and Idempotent Mathematics, August 25-30, 2007, Independent University of Moscow and …
GL Litvinov, SN Sergeev
American Mathematical Soc., 2009
CSR expansions of matrix powers in max algebra
S Sergeev, H Schneider
Transactions of the American Mathematical society 364 (11), 5969-5994, 2012
Max-plus definite matrix closures and their eigenspaces
S Sergeev
Linear algebra and its applications 421 (2-3), 182-201, 2007
Cyclic projectors and separation theorems in idempotent convex geometry
S Gaubert, S Sergeev
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 155, 815-829, 2008
Multiorder, Kleene stars and cyclic projectors in the geometry of max cones
S Sergeev
Contemporary mathematics 14, 317, 2009
Weak CSR expansions and transience bounds in max-plus algebra
G Merlet, T Nowak, S Sergeev
Linear Algebra and its Applications 461, 163-199, 2014
On commuting matrices in max algebra and in classical nonnegative algebra
RD Katz, H Schneider
Linear algebra and its applications 436 (2), 276-292, 2012
Max algebraic powers of irreducible matrices in the periodic regime: An application of cyclic classes
S Sergeev
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 431 (8), 1325-1339, 2009
Modifying the tropical version of Stickel’s key exchange protocol
A Muanalifah, S Sergeev
Applications of Mathematics 65 (6), 727-753, 2020
Recognizing weakly stable matrices
P Butkovic, H Schneider, S Sergeev
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 50 (5), 3029-3051, 2012
Max-algebraic attraction cones of nonnegative irreducible matrices
S Sergeev
Linear Algebra And Its Applications, 2011
On the tropical discrete logarithm problem and security of a protocol based on tropical semidirect product
A Muanalifah, S Sergeev
Communications in Algebra 50 (2), 861-879, 2022
The level set method for the two-sided max-plus eigenproblem
S Gaubert, S Sergeev
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 23 (2), 105-134, 2013
Generalizations of bounds on the index of convergence to weighted digraphs
G Merlet, T Nowak, H Schneider, S Sergeev
Discrete Applied Mathematics 178, 121-134, 2014
Z-matrix equations in max-algebra, nonnegative linear algebra and other semirings
P Butkovič, H Schneider, S Sergeev
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 60 (10), 1191-1210, 2012
Complexity reduction, cornices and pruning
WM McEneaney
Contemporary Mathematics 14, 293, 2009
Tropical linear algebra with the Łukasiewicz T-norm
M Gavalec, Z Němcová, S Sergeev
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 276, 131-148, 2015
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مقالات 1–20