Suzanne M. O'Regan
Suzanne M. O'Regan
Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Lyapunov functions for SIR and SIRS epidemic models
SM O’Regan, TC Kelly, A Korobeinikov, MJA O’Callaghan, AV Pokrovskii
Applied mathematics letters 23 (4), 446-448, 2010
Ebola cases and health system demand in Liberia
JM Drake, RRB Kaul, LW Alexander, SM O’Regan, AM Kramer, ...
PLoS biology 13 (1), e1002056, 2015
Theory of early warning signals of disease emergenceand leading indicators of elimination
SM O’Regan, JM Drake
Theoretical Ecology 6, 333-357, 2013
The statistics of epidemic transitions
JM Drake, TS Brett, S Chen, BI Epureanu, MJ Ferrari, É Marty, PB Miller, ...
PLoS computational biology 15 (5), e1006917, 2019
Integrating data mining and transmission theory in the ecology of infectious diseases
BA Han, SM O’Regan, J Paul Schmidt, JM Drake
Ecology letters 23 (8), 1178-1188, 2020
Interspecific contact and competition may affect the strength and direction of disease-diversity relationships for directly transmitted microparasites
SM O’Regan, JE Vinson, AW Park
The American Naturalist 186 (4), 480-494, 2015
Leading indicators of mosquito-borne disease elimination
SM O’Regan, JW Lillie, JM Drake
Theoretical ecology 9, 269-286, 2016
Transmission models of historical Ebola outbreaks
JM Drake, I Bakach, MR Just, SM O’Regan, M Gambhir, ICH Fung
Emerging infectious diseases 21 (8), 1447, 2015
A highly invasive chimeric ranavirus can decimate tadpole populations rapidly through multiple transmission pathways
A Peace, SM O’Regan, JA Spatz, PN Reilly, RD Hill, ED Carter, RP Wilkes, ...
Ecological Modelling 410, 108777, 2019
How stochasticity influences leading indicators of critical transitions
SM O’Regan, DL Burton
Bulletin of mathematical biology 80 (6), 1630-1654, 2018
Multi‐scale model of epidemic fade‐out: Will local extirpation events inhibit the spread of white‐nose syndrome?
SM O'Regan, K Magori, JT Pulliam, MA Zokan, RRB Kaul, HD Barton, ...
Ecological Applications 25 (3), 621-633, 2015
Transient indicators of tipping points in infectious diseases
SM O’Regan, EB O’Dea, P Rohani, JM Drake
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17 (170), 20200094, 2020
Chaos in a seasonally perturbed SIR model: avian influenza in a seabird colony as a paradigm
SM O’Regan, TC Kelly, A Korobeinikov, MJA O’Callaghan, AV Pokrovskii, ...
Journal of Mathematical Biology 67, 293-327, 2013
How noise and coupling influence leading indicators of population extinction in a spatially extended ecological system
SM O'Regan
Journal of biological dynamics 12 (1), 211-241, 2018
Public control of rational and unpredictable epidemics
C Sims, D Finnoff, SM O’Regan
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 132, 161-176, 2016
The response of the woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) to relaxation of intraspecific competition: a hybrid modelling approach
SM O’Regan, D Flynn, TC Kelly, MJA O’Callaghan, AV Pokrovskii, ...
Ecological modelling 224 (1), 54-64, 2012
Qualitative and numerical investigations of the impact of a novel pathogen on a seabird colony
SM O'Regan, TC Kelly, A Korobeinikov, MJA O'Callaghan, AV Pokrovskii
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 138 (1), 012018, 2008
Alternative stable states, tipping points, and early warning signals of ecological transitions
JM Drake, SM O’regan, V Dakos, S Kéfi, P Rohani
Theoretical ecology: Concepts and applications, 2020
Impacts of host availability and temperature on mosquito‐borne parasite transmission
KJM Dahlin, SM O'Regan, BA Han, JP Schmidt, JM Drake
Ecological monographs 94 (2), e1603, 2024
Impact of seasonality upon the dynamics of a novel pathogen in a seabird colony
SM O'Regan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 138 (1), 012017, 2008
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مقالات 1–20