Duncan Temple Lang
Duncan Temple Lang
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ucdavis.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Programming with models: writing statistical algorithms for general model structures with NIMBLE
P de Valpine, D Turek, CJ Paciorek, C Anderson-Bergman, DT Lang, ...
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 (2), 403-413, 2017
Statistical analyses and reproducible research
R Gentleman, D Temple Lang
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 16 (1), 1-23, 2007
Data science in statistics curricula: Preparing students to “think with data”
J Hardin, R Hoerl, NJ Horton, D Nolan, B Baumer, O Hall-Holt, P Murrell, ...
The American Statistician 69 (4), 343-353, 2015
Computing in the statistics curricula
D Nolan, D Temple Lang
The American Statistician 64 (2), 97-107, 2010
NIMBLE: MCMC, particle filtering, and programmable hierarchical modeling
P de Valpine, C Paciorek, D Turek, N Michaud, C Anderson-Bergman, ...
R package version 0.12 2 (9), 2022
Dynamic, interactive documents for teaching statistical practice
D Nolan, D Temple Lang
International Statistical Review 75 (3), 295-321, 2007
NIMBLE user manual
P de Valpine, C Paciorek, D Turek, N Michaud, C Anderson-Bergman, ...
R package manual version 0.9 1, 2020
RGtk2: A graphical user interface toolkit for R
M Lawrence, DT Lang
Journal of Statistical Software 37, 1-52, 2010
The R project for statistical computing
D Bates, J Chambers, P Dalgaard, R Gentleman, K Hornik, S Iacus, ...
URL: http://www. rproject. org, 2013
Keyhole markup language
D Nolan, D Temple Lang, D Nolan, DT Lang
XML and web technologies for data sciences with R, 581-618, 2014
P De Valpine, C Paciorek, D Turek, N Michaud, C Anderson-Bergman, ...
Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical Modeling 10, 2022
T reebase: an R package for discovery, access and manipulation of online phylogenies
C Boettiger, D Temple Lang
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (6), 1060-1066, 2012
Explorations in statistics research: An approach to expose undergraduates to authentic data analysis
D Nolan, D Temple Lang
The American Statistician 69 (4), 292-299, 2015
NIMBLE User Manual. R package manual version 0.12. 2
P de Valpine, C Paciorek, D Turek, N Michaud, C Anderson-Bergman, ...
NIMBLE: MCMC, Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical Modeling. 2020
P de Valpine, C Paciorek, D Turek, N Michaud, C Anderson-Bergman, ...
R package version 0.13 1, 1992
rggobi: Interface between R and GGobi
D Temple Lang, D Swayne, H Wickham, M Lawrence
R package version 2, 17, 2011
JavaScript Object Notation
D Nolan, D Temple Lang, D Nolan, DT Lang
XML and Web Technologies for Data Sciences with R, 227-253, 2014
rfishbase: R interface to FishBASE
C Boettiger, S Chamberlain, DT Lang, P Wainwright, K Cazelles
R package version 0.2–2. See http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= rfishbase 10, 2014
rfishbase: exploring, manipulating and visualizing FishBase data from RJ Fish Biol. 81, 2030–2039
C Boettiger, DT Lang, PC Wainwright
Integrating computing and data technologies into the statistics curricula
D Nolan, D Temple Lang
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Teaching Statistics, 1-6, 2010
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20