Karen Oehme
Karen Oehme
Director, Institute for Trauma and Resilience Studies, Florida State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Law enforcement officers and employee assistance programs
E Donnelly, C Valentine, K Oehme
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 38 (2 …, 2015
Disparate levels of stress in police and correctional officers: Preliminary evidence from a pilot study on domestic violence
Z Summerlin, K Oehme, N Stern, C Valentine
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 20 (6), 762-777, 2010
Law enforcement officers’ perception of rape and rape victims: A multimethod study
A Mennicke, D Anderson, K Oehme, S Kennedy
Violence and Victims 29 (5), 814-827, 2014
Alcohol abuse, PTSD, and officer-committed domestic violence
K Oehme, EA Donnelly, A Martin
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 6 (4), 418-430, 2012
Advancing co-parenting education: Toward a foundation for supporting positive post-divorce adjustment
AJ Ferraro, T Malespin, K Oehme, M Bruker, A Opel
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 33, 407-415, 2016
Workplace experiences of gay and lesbian criminal justice officers in the United States: A qualitative investigation of officers attending a LGBT law enforcement conference
A Mennicke, J Gromer, K Oehme, L MacConnie
Policing and society 28 (6), 712-729, 2018
A trauma-informed approach to building college students’ resilience
K Oehme, A Perko, J Clark, EC Ray, L Arpan, L Bradley
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 16 (1), 93-107, 2019
Correctional officers and domestic violence: Experiences and attitudes
C Valentine, K Oehme, A Martin
Journal of Family Violence 27, 531-545, 2012
A Deficiency in Addressing Campus Sexual Assault: The Lack of Women Law Enforcement Officers
K Oehme, N Stern, A Mennicke
Harvard Journal of Law and Gender 38 (2), 337-372, 2015
Psychometric evaluation of the multidimensional co-parenting scale for dissolved relationships
AJ Ferraro, M Lucier-Greer, K Oehme
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27, 2780-2796, 2018
Characteristics of supervised visitation programs serving child maltreatment and other cases
WP Crook, K Oehme
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention 7 (4), 291, 2007
Troubling Admission of Supervised Visitation Records in Custody Proceedings, The
N Stern, K Oehme
Temp. L. Rev 75, 271, 2002
Strategies to improve supervised visitation services in domestic violence cases
MS Maxwell, K Oehme
Violence against women online resources, 2001
Helping students cope with adversity: the influence of a web-based intervention on students’ self-efficacy and intentions to use wellness-related resources
EC Ray, L Arpan, K Oehme, A Perko, J Clark
Journal of American college health 69 (4), 444-451, 2021
Responses of Police Officers to Cases of Officer Domestic Violence: Effects of Demographic and Professional Factors
KO Daniel Saunders, Stephanie Grace Prost
Journal of Family Violence 31 (4), 2016
Protecting lives, careers, and public confidence: Florida's efforts to prevent officer‐involved domestic violence
K Oehme, DC Siebert, CF Siebert, N Stern, C Valentine, E Donnelly
Family Court Review 49 (1), 84-106, 2011
Child custody and visitation decisions in domestic violence cases: Legal trends, risk factors, and safety concerns
DG Saunders, K Oehme
National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women, 2007
Increasing safety for battered women and their children: Creating a privilege for supervised visitation intake records
N Stern, K Oehme
U. Rich. L. Rev. 41, 499, 2006
Police responses to cases of officer-involved domestic violence: The effects of a brief web-based training
K Oehme, SG Prost, DG Saunders
Policing: A journal of policy and practice 10 (4), 391-407, 2016
What do EMS personnel think about domestic violence? An exploration of attitudes and experiences after participation in training
EA Donnelly, K Oehme, R Melvin
Journal of forensic and legal medicine 38, 64-69, 2016
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مقالات 1–20