Franco Dalfovo
Franco Dalfovo
University of Trento and Pitaevskii BEC Center
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped gases
F Dalfovo, S Giorgini, LP Pitaevskii, S Stringari
Reviews of modern physics 71 (3), 463, 1999
Bosons in anisotropic traps: Ground state and vortices
F Dalfovo, S Stringari
Physical Review A 53 (4), 2477, 1996
Structural and dynamical properties of superfluid helium: A density-functional approach
F Dalfovo, A Lastri, L Pricaupenko, S Stringari, J Treiner
Physical Review B 52 (2), 1193, 1995
Dynamical response of a Bose-Einstein condensate to a discontinuous change in internal state
MR Matthews, DS Hall, DS Jin, JR Ensher, CE Wieman, EA Cornell, ...
Physical Review Letters 81 (2), 243, 1998
Spontaneous creation of Kibble–Zurek solitons in a Bose–Einstein condensate
G Lamporesi, S Donadello, S Serafini, F Dalfovo, G Ferrari
Nature Physics 9 (10), 656-660, 2013
Order parameter at the boundary of a trapped Bose gas
F Dalfovo, L Pitaevskii, S Stringari
Physical Review A 54 (5), 4213, 1996
Density of superfluid helium droplets
J Harms, JP Toennies, F Dalfovo
Physical Review B 58 (6), 3341, 1998
Atomic and molecular impurities in4He clusters
F Dalfovo
Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 29, 61-66, 1994
Observation of subdiffusion in a disordered interacting system
E Lucioni, B Deissler, L Tanzi, G Roati, M Zaccanti, M Modugno, ...
Physical review letters 106 (23), 230403, 2011
Observation of solitonic vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates
S Donadello, S Serafini, M Tylutki, LP Pitaevskii, F Dalfovo, G Lamporesi, ...
Physical review letters 113 (6), 065302, 2014
Superfluid Hydrodynamic Model for the Enhanced Moments of Inertia of Molecules in Liquid
C Callegari, A Conjusteau, I Reinhard, KK Lehmann, G Scoles, F Dalfovo
Physical Review Letters 83 (24), 5058, 1999
Collective and single-particle excitations of a trapped Bose gas
F Dalfovo, S Giorgini, M Guilleumas, L Pitaevskii, S Stringari
Physical Review A 56 (5), 3840, 1997
Vortex reconnections and rebounds in trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
S Serafini, L Galantucci, E Iseni, T Bienaimé, RN Bisset, CF Barenghi, ...
Physical Review X 7 (2), 021031, 2017
Momentum transferred to a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate by stimulated light scattering
A Brunello, F Dalfovo, L Pitaevskii, S Stringari, F Zambelli
Physical Review A 64 (6), 063614, 2001
Frequency shift and mode coupling in the nonlinear dynamics of a Bose-condensed gas
F Dalfovo, C Minniti, LP Pitaevskii
Physical Review A 56 (6), 4855, 1997
Dynamics of dark solitons in a trapped superfluid Fermi gas
RG Scott, F Dalfovo, LP Pitaevskii, S Stringari
Physical review letters 106 (18), 185301, 2011
Effects of interaction on the diffusion of atomic matter waves in one-dimensional quasiperiodic potentials
M Larcher, F Dalfovo, M Modugno
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (5), 053606, 2009
Nonlinear dynamics of a Bose condensed gas
F Dalfovo, C Minniti, S Stringari, L Pitaevskii
Physics Letters A 227 (3-4), 259-264, 1997
Bragg Spectroscopy of the Multibranch Bogoliubov Spectrum<? format?> of Elongated Bose-Einstein Condensates
J Steinhauer, N Katz, R Ozeri, N Davidson, C Tozzo, F Dalfovo
Physical review letters 90 (6), 060404, 2003
Dark solitons in a superfluid Fermi gas
M Antezza, F Dalfovo, LP Pitaevskii, S Stringari
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (4), 043610, 2007
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مقالات 1–20